lost in time

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I woke up to loud knocking on your front door, as my eyes slowly adjust to the light I got up to open my bedroom door to check who was making so much noise at eleven pm, but right before I could my  3 siblings came running in one crying the other holding Liam(a five month old baby). I instantly take Liam out of Jack's arms whilst Lexi was hold tight onto my leg. I bend down to pick up the twins, carefully opening the door until I get down stairs that's when it all starts to fall down.


As I reached the bottom of the stairs still holding the twins and Liam who had fell fast asleep. Approaching the front door all I  could hear faint whimper's that sounded too similar to my mum's, as I walked closer I saw two men one in black and holding a knife an the other in a leather jacket with a mask covering his face he was holding a gun the wasn't fully loaded. I managed to get my siblings to sleep placing them on the couch as quite as I could trying not to make my presents known. As I turned around I hit a vase that was on the cabinet filled with coins that I had collected with my farther. The coins one by one came crashing down alerting the men that there were more people in the house and that they had saw what one of the men looks like. I managed to hide behind a piller that was facing the near the lounge were my siblings were. I slowly peaked around the piller I was standing behind to see were the men went only to see my mum coming in and out of conscious. 

Before I could even reach my mum the man wearing the mask grabbed my waist throwing my across the living room(sitting room) into a mirror with glass smashing everywhere waking up my siblings and my mother. After slowly sitting up he crouched down in front of me, in the background you could hear the other man in the mask saying something in Russian I had learnt a bit of the language all I could hear was:

"нам нужна только девушка, убей остальных" (we only need the girl, kill the rest.) My breathing started to pick up, I wasn't scared for my safety only my family's I didn't want to get them hurt. 

The man with the mask grabbed me by my hair pulling me upwards so that I was standing really close to him,I could feel was his breath on my neck. The other had grabbed my siblings and had taped their mouths shut before tying them down to a chair, all you could hear was muffled screams like someone was screaming into a pillow trying not to make any noise, but in this case it was way different. My mum had been knocked out for couple minutes until she woke up with a groan sitting against the table leg that her wrist was handcuffed to. She tried to pick the lock with no use.

Meanwhile in the lounge(living room/sitting area) Liam had been put in a car seat whilst me and the twins (Jack and Lexi) were in chair with our hands tied behind us( well the chair) and only the twins had tape on their mouths because of the noise I'm guessing. The both men walked up to the twins putting a knife to their throat before removing it.They started laughing like a maniac when they heard the twins  screaming and balling(crying). Me on the other hand I was shocked/paralyzed when I heard the laugh, I wasn't crying but I did have a few tears falling down on my face hearing their screams knowing I couldn't do anything to help them.

I suddenly got pulled out of my trans by a bucket of freezing ice cold water being poured on me, I yelped as it hit my cuts on my body, I turned my head to the side to see my siblings, my brother(Jack) looked drained, my sister (Lexi) looked passed out but she had just closed her eyes for a moment to rest (hoping this is just a nightmare).We suddenly heard moving in the kitchen it sounded like someone was trying get out/escape, the men were nowhere to be seen I thought, until they brought our mothers drained body to show us that,that is  what we would look like. Lexi was trying to break free screaming mum over and over but it only sounded muffled, whilst I was just staring wide eyed at them with tears flooding my eyes as they slowly brought the gun to her head, they started counting down very slowly missing some numbers to freak us out more, lets just say it was working.

Will the lost ever be found ?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora