Joining the Alliance

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Lance P.O.V (Age 7)

Space....a vast new land. Full of new ideals. All my life I've been fascinated by it. Then 20 years happened. As Mom and Dad say they appeared. The Spectres. A group that to this day holds many in awe. To this day while others on Remnant want to be Huntsmen or Huntresses or Atlas Specialists....I want to be one of them...a Spectre. That is one of the things that intrigues me about space. That and since then other races came to Remnant. One is called Turians....they are so cool and disciplined. Another is the Krogan, their so awesome and strong. Then the Asari and Salarians. Both are unique but super cool to be around. I also met a few Drell and Quarians but they stay away more than not. But they make this world so cool and wonderful. And thwy only fueled my love for the vast unknown of space.

"-ance Lance!" A voice shouts as I look to see my sister Yang looking at me.

"Hey sis. What's up?" I asked.

"You were day dreaming again. Class is over and Ruby is with mom and dad. Come on." She said as I nodded as grabbed my bag and headed out to meet my parents.

"You guys excited for tomorrow?" Dad asked.

"Yeah!" I shouted.

Tomorrow we have a special guest speaker coming to talk to everyone. But the school isn't saying who it is.

"Eh." Yang said.

"Yes!" Ruby said.

With that we all went home and had dinner and did our homework then went to bed.


( Lance is now 15 going on 16 and Yang just turned 15 and Ruby is 13.)

That day 8 years ago when we had the guest speaker was by far the most enjoyable on that day I met a real Spectre. His name was Nihlus and he was a great guy. Told us that until further notice they were allowing children to join the Space Alliance at the age of 16. Then I met him and talked with him. He told me so much about the Spectres and what it was they did and all the cool missions he had been on. He even gave me a pamphlet that said what to do for training and exercise to be able bodied to be a part of the Space Alliance and someday a Spectre. The words he left behind that day still resonate in my mind.
'When others say it's them that it is not doing the impossible.'

But now is by far one of  the hardest day....the first day of a long hard summer....since I'm standing at the front doors of the Space Alliance Recruitment Agency.

"Next in Line." A female voice called.

I walked up and stood tall.

"Name?" She asked.

"Lance Vincent Rose." I said.

"Age." She asked.

"16 as of today ma'am." I said.

"Well Happy Birthday." She said as she typed my name in.

"Fill out the forums and take this number. When your called up go to the designated area." She said handing me a paper with the number 134 and a clipboard and 3 pages of paperwork to fill out.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I went and sat down and filled out the paperwork.

2 hrs later.....

"134 to Gate 4." A male voice shouted.

I got up with my finished and went to where I was told to go. Upon arrival I saw it was a male Turian with dark almost black scale like skin with red markings on his face.

The Spectres of Remnant (RWBY x Mass Effect)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя