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As cliché as it sounds, Bucky has been in love with you since the moment he first saw you. You had welcomed him with open arms and never once did you make him feel like he shouldn't be a part of the team or acted like you were scared of him. As you had explained to him countless of times: Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier are two different people to you. One's a victim of war and the other is your shy, kinda grumpy best friend. That's how it's always been with you and it never felt like you were lying to him when you said that, so he believed you. Bucky trusts you completely, he trusts you as much as he trusts Steve and that's saying something since they grew up together. Bucky doesn't let just anyone in and you always are grateful that you managed to be one of them because he's an incredible man. He's smart, funny and kind. He's also somewhat of a geek and a dork, two things that make you love him even more.

You and Bucky get along fantastically well. Everyone was surprised about that. Everyone but Steve. He's known Bucky his whole life and he knows who the man is under all the scars, trauma and emotional distress. He never had trouble making friends or being friendly to everyone he met, except for the assholes who would beat up Steve. Bucky is a great man and Steve always feels sad at the thought that HYDRA also took that from him. But thankfully he's got you to break him out of his shell.

You have spent so much time together that it's almost like you're one person most of the time. You don't need to speak to talk to one another; a simple look does the trick. You always know what the other is feeling, sometimes even before the other does. You complete each other in so many ways and when you're paired up together during a mission, there's no stopping you. You're an amazing team on and off the field. You get the job done and you do it well.

You rarely ever fight but when you do it never lasts long because you can't go a full day without talking to one another.

Everyone thinks you're adorable together but no one says anything because they know it's a sensitive subject and they don't want to ruin what the two of you have. It's not something that comes by every day, it's a very rare kind of bond. If soulmates exist then the two of you are the definition for it.

Bucky's never been sure about your feelings, he has no idea where you stand and he'd rather not risk losing you as a friend even if Steve tells him time and time again to go for it. He keeps telling Bucky that you most definitely feel the same but Bucky never believes him.

What you have is close enough of a romantic relationship for him, he doesn't need more. He gets to see you every day, spend time with you, watch movies or go to restaurants, you often even sleep in the same bed and if Bucky gets to wake up to you in the morning, then that's more than enough for him. He's madly in love with you and he'll take whatever he can get from you, no complaining.

Every time there's an event or a gala or anything else that requires the Avengers to dress up and show off, you go together. Your outfits always match, you get in together and you come out together. It has been this way since you've become friends. You rely and lean on each other for absolutely everything, from very silly things to very serious ones.

Bucky loves that he can speak freely to you. There's never any judgment, you always make sure that it feels like a safe space for him and it's something he'll forever cherish.

Last night at Tony's after party, Drunk Bucky made his first appearance and the one thing to know about Drunk Bucky is that he has no filters. None. Whatever comes to his mind quickly comes out of his mouth soon after. His loose lips have never been something he needed to worry about around you because the serum keeps him from getting drunk. He hadn't factored in Thor's liquor and how strong it is though.

All of his feelings for you come out, one after the other with no way of stopping them. He can't even rely on Steve to make him stop, he's been waiting for Bucky to make a move for a long time, after all.

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