Planed Parenthood and Parting

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Sir Eyck was murdered in cold blood that night. But at least the two of us have a strong alibi, and I'm sure Geralt snuck into Yennefer's tent, too.

We've formed an alliance with the dwarves for now. They've shown us a secret way, a mine they call it.

"This calls for death." I say as I look down the steep mountain. I can see the fear in Jaskiers eyes, but Yen forces him to go first. Her companion died, so of course she joined us.

I climb on right after Jaskier, shooting Yen a glare.

"Any dirty tricks and I will haunt you until the day you die." I speak before I make it onto the planks, also holding on to the wall in front of us.

It goes fine until Jaskier sets his footing wrong, almost slipping but of course I catch him.

"Are you alright?" I ask and he nods as he goes on. The way is long and exhausting, but we're making slow progress. It's when I hear a loud creak and a chain rattling I see Borch and one of his companions hanging from the chain.

"Get back!" Geralt says, desperate to save him.

"Geralt, the planks won't hold!" Yen says and I agree.

"Thank you." Borch says and just like that, him and his companion let go.

A silent tear slips from my eyes.

"Let's go for now. We have time to mourn at the next cliff." Yen says and I nod, continuing on.

The next cliff soon comes to sight and I sit silently, still shaken, but not as much as Geralt is. Jaskier goes to talk to him and I stare at the scenery instead.

That could have been us. That could have been Jaskier.

The witch sits next to me now and I look up at her.

"I'm sorry. For what happened today." She says and I just stare in silence.

"You know I trusted you. I thought that finally I found someone who understood. But you betrayed me and almost killed the one I love before I could tell him." I spit, tears now stinging my eyes.

"I was selfish. Absurd. I was- fueled by a wish. A wish so foolish. I didn't realize what I possibly could have destroyed." She says and I look up at her.

"I am truly sorry. If you could forgive me, Tullia." She says and I dry my eyes, surprised at her sudden words.

"What was the wish?" I ask after a while and Yen chuckles, a sad smile on her lips.

"I want to be a mother. So badly that I would have let a Jhinn posess me. So badly that I believed a dragon's heart could fix it." She says. And I know what she's speaking.

"You understand, don't you?" She asks and I sigh.

"There is one reason the Witchers never accepted me as their own. Because I don't have the mutation, unlike they do. I can bare children." I say.

"Oh." She answers and I halt again.

"But I understand. That you want someone to come home to. Someone to

protect, to risk it all for." I say now and Yen nods softly.

"But I'm a fool for thinking it's possible for me."

There's another moment of silence.

"If I- if the day comes where I have a child-"

Yen looks at me now.

"If anything happens, would you take care of them. Even before, would you be willing to be their godmother. To help me raise them?" I ask Yen and she nods softly.

"Thank you, Tullia."


We made it to the dragon, made it to where he was.

It was Borch all along.

Protecting his child.

I sit by the side now as Yen and Geralt, who were the first to discover them, talk to Borch.

I however sit next to Jaskier, holding his hand. He softly bandages the wound I got from fighting to protect the egg.

"All along, he was protecting his child." I say now and Jaskier nods.

He looks at me now.

"Well, at least that's a worry you'll never have. Thank god."

"Thank god?" I ask, turning to look at Julian.

"Yes. There is no thought worse than having a blaring child. I've had a few close calls, belive me. But thanks to your mutation, that of course won't be an issue." He says and disgust fills all my features as I pull my hands out of his.

"Thanks to my mutation?" I say now, looking at him. "Jaskier, do you have any idea the pain it brings a woman to want a child and not being able to bear one." I say now, thinking of Yen.

Fuck, does he even know what he's saying?

"Oh it can't be that bad. It's a blessing, really."

"A blessing?" I stand now. Fuck, I want to puke.

"Jaskier it is a curse. Having that right taken from you, having that ripped from you."

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you want to start a family." He says and I scoff, shaking my head.

"I wanted to. I don't have the mutation, I am very well capable of having one. But now I clearly know your opinion."

"You- you don't- but I-" Jaskier stumbles over his own words. That's his only worry?

"If I have a child from you I will give it away, rip it to shreds if necessary. God, how could I ever love a monster like you?" I say now. Right as I do, as tears sting my eyes Yen makes it past us. I look after her, look at Geralt and at Julian again.

"I should have left at our first goodbye." I say as I tread off the hill.

I lost him.

No. He lost me.

Till death do us apart (Jaskier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now