ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 42 {ᒪEᐯEᒪ 23} 🥔

Start from the beginning

He then leans against the door and must of flicked the look accidentally.

We hear a yelp from potato head who gets flung back without his arms. He hits Rex's back, my head and then lands upside down in a cup holder.

Hamm has his chuckle at him.

We finally now can open the door, Buzz hops out first scanning the are with his laser, like it's life or death out there.

Rex gives out a gasp as he waits to get out of the car "wait wait, what about Y/n, we left her behind!"

"She'll be fine Rex, we can get her on our way home with Woody" Potato head says jumping out of the car.

"But what if she's not there" Rex freaks, unconvinced.

"Eh, I'm sure she'll be there, she's possibly on her way to us right now" Hamm says hopping out too.

Once we are all out, We dash over to Buzz who is looking through the glass doors that open into the foyer, focusing on the lift.

"Blast, he's on level 23." Buzz turns to us

I don't see how this is going to be possible "how are we going to get up there?"

Rex speaks up looking up "maybe if we find some balloons we can float to the top"

Potato head scoffs at Rex "Are you kidding? I say we stack ourselves up, push the intercom, and pretend we're delivering a pizza."

I'm the corner of my eye I see Buzz dash off to the side, occupying my interest for a second.

Hamm takes the opportunity to joke around "How about a ham sandwich? With fries and a hot dog." 

Hamm finish by making the hotdog comment catching me off guard.

"What about me?" Rex asks.

"Eh you can be the toy that comes with the meal." Hamm says.

"Troops! Over here!" Buzz calls out, standing in front of a vent trying to move it to the side.

The group of us make our way over as we see Buzz heave as we slowly slides the vent covering free with a screech.

Leaving the covering to the side Buzz says grabbing Rex's shoulders  "Just like you said, lizard man. 'In the shadows to the left'."

Buzz gets ready to run with a kick "okay. Let's move!"

Buzz run in first leading us around the vent system.

Talking into his wrist communicator Buzz says "Mission log. Have infiltrated enemy territory without detection. And are making our way through the bowels of Zurg's fortress."

'Is he alright?'

Behind me I hear Hamm mention Buzz to potato head. "You know? I think that Buzz isle went to his head"

We arrive at a vent junction and Buzz scans the two way vent, deciding which way to run.

"Oh. No. Which way do we go?" I sigh, asking Buzz what our next move should be.

He points to the left tunnel confidently before running off again with us following behind. "this way"

Potato head questions the decision "what makes you so sure"

Something has definitely happened to Buzz. I'm guessing he became overwhelmed in the Buzz isle, and decided that he was all serious business again. But then again it's more likely he hit his head.

"I'm Buzz lightyear, I'm always sure!"

Stopping dead in his tracks, Buzz freaks at the sound of a kilt that starts to rattle the vents walls.  "We've been detected."

With a point at the wall, Buzz flattens himself against a wall, in attempt to keep the walls in the current position. "The walls! They're closing in!"

We watch confused as he lunges is over to Potato head swooping him up over his head. "Quick! Help me prop up, vegetable man. Or we're done for!"

Potato head wails around "Hey! Hey!! Put me down! You moron!"

'What is up with Buzz?'

A bright light emits from behind us as Rex grabs everyone's attention "Hey, guys! Look! It's not the walls! It's the elevator!"

Running over to the end of the vent we see the top of the lift stop, most likely picking up passengers before it'll take off again soon.

Looking up is what looks to be an endless void, but Buzz doesn't seem phased. "Come on. We've got no time to lose."

Buzz whips out of nowhere some kind of hook on rope that he chucks in our general direction that potato head catches. "Everyone. Grab hold!"

Buzz pulls out his belt which turn out to be magnets before throwing himself against the wall and starting to climb the magnesite surface.

We all question each other, completely lost with what's going on with Buzz.

Hamm calls out to him " Uh. Buzz? Why not just take the elevator?"

Buzz not stoping his climb reply's "they'll be expecting that"


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Words: 1365

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now