Chapter 1: Landing in France

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The sun is shining brightly and produces a scorching hot ultraviolet light. The sun's rays reflected in the window buildings. No clouds could be seen in the vast azure sky and the traffic continuously flows in the constantly revolving city of New York.

Red lights turn green, the honks of the tracks and chattering of the citizens created a noisy and busy environment. This is New York, a fast pace city located in the Northeastern USA.

In a certain office, a woman with a dignified poise and serious expression is looking over in a bunch of paper. The woman on the office chair was extremely beautiful with her black wavy hair, sharp eyebrows, smoky grey eyes, long bridge nose, and a perfect shape peach lips. This woman is Riley Whyte, the CEO of the notorious RR Corporation whose ranking is always in the Top 10 in the world rankings.

The woman held her head and massage her temple when she felt a headache.

Riley look at the documents in her hands and her sight is seemingly seeing a fleeting double vision. Riley shakes her head and massages her temple then when her sight return to normal, she goes back to work. However, Riley feels uncomfortable and plans to drink water but when she stands up. She felt her whole world seemingly spinning and before she know it, Riley's sight went black and plunge into darkness.

Riley was awakened at the vague voice in the background, her hearing feels like she is underwater. She didn't open her eyes but tried to hear the conversation between the doctor and her best friend — Reynalyn Williams. As time pass by, her hearing gradually grew clearer until she heard a piece of the conversation.

"It is not serious, the cause is overwork but don't underestimate it. A considerable amount of people died from overworking. Overworking is causing serious problems for businesses all over the globe. Make sure she takes a proper rest"


"You should also remind her to sleep early, eat properly and do not exert herself and take a relaxation once in a while"

"I'll be sure to covey it to her"

Then, Riley heard the door open and close. Riley try to open her eyes but squinted when her vision was exposed to bright light. She blinks a few more times and lets her eyes adjust. When she opened her eyes, a shadow falls on Riley's body. She look up at the source and saw her beloved best friend with a raised eyebrow and cross arms.

Unlike Riley who exuded a chilling aura that keeps people 10 meters away from her and only makes people stare at her from afar like an ethereal and rare flower in the Snowy Mountain. Reynalyn is like a typical playful bad girl with tattoos on her arms and piercings on her earlobes. Unlike Riley who is always has a frigid and expressionless expression. Reynalyn always has a faint playful smile on her face and a mischievous glint on her eyes. She looks more approachable than Riley but people will bound to get nervous if they get too close.

With Reynalyn's green eyes that seem to always have a playful touch and her black hair like a crow's feather. She attracts many women with her charms like bees in the honey.

Riley try to sit up and Reynalyn support her and handed her a glass of water. Riley gratefully drinks it.

"You are going to vacation in France!"

Before Riley could retort, Reynalyn added.

"No BUTS! I'll take care of the company and you go relaxed for 3 months!"

30 Days to fell in love with youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora