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It didn't seem long at all before the four of them (five, if you counted the cloak as a separate being) were falling through space and screaming their heads off.

Well... OK it was just Scott screaming his head off. Cassie was going "Woohoo!" and "This is amazing!" as she hurtled through the warped version of reality like she was flying, Loki wasn't screaming, just occasionally shouting swear words as he took on the wrath of Stephen Strange's magic tricks and Stephen himself was just smiling at their reactions, gliding along with his cloak attached over his Christmas jumper.

What a stupid sight they would look like if they were actually being watched by someone, but they weren't even in the correct dimension for starters. Scott had been too busy shaking to really take in any of the little explanation Stephen had given them about what this place was, and that was the one fact he had retained.

All he knew was that they were currently falling through a giant hole in the middle of San Francisco. Literally, there was a giant hole in the middle of the city, the buildings falling into the sky, which was below them, even though they too were falling from the sky.

Scott couldn't make any sense of it. So he just screamed. The higher pitched it was, he found, the better it released emotions. Hence why his scream was so high pitched. People always gave him that look when he tried to explain, but that's only because they were jealous they weren't as smart as he was.

Anyway, back to screaming.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!" screamed Scott, dragging out the same note (a perfect G) for about twenty entire seconds, until he needed to stop for a breath.

While Scott stopped for a breather, he heard Loki shout something. "Scott, can you shut up with the screaming?!"

Scott tried to face his direction, but Loki was a little higher up than he was, so he couldn't. "No, I can't stop screaming!" he screamed back. "This is bloody scary!"

"Yeah, and you bloody screaming is bloody annoying!" Loki retaliated. "Contrary to what you think, screaming doesn't actually release your emotions, it's making you more worked up! You shut up and you'll calm down!"

Nah. "That's not true! It really does work!" Scott replied.

There was a small pause from Loki, and Scott had the uncomfortable impression he was shaking his head at Scott's stupidity. He might have to hide the chocolate later as revenge.

Then he heard Loki shout again, but to Stephen this time. "Hey, Strange?! Why is this drop so long?! We've been falling for ages now!"

It was hard to hear him over the howling wind in his ears, but Scott thought he heard Stephen shout back in reply, "Why, are you getting bored of falling?!"

"I haven't forgotten the time you made me fall for thirty minutes!" Loki responded. Scott was intrigued. He wanted to know about the time Stephen made Loki fall for thirty minutes.

"I'll close up the ground then, if you don't want to fall any longer!" Stephen shouted back.

"What?!" Scott screamed, then screamed an even higher pitch than a G (was that a H?) as the ground below closed up and they started approaching solid tarmac.

"Strange, what the f-" Loki shouted behind him, but Scott didn't hear how he finished that sentence, because Cassie copied Scott's scream from further down, and, with her being his daughter, she had inherited his high pitched scream.

But Cassie was much closer to the ground than they were, and she was probably about a second away from cracking her head open.

"Cassie!" Scott shouted, but then suddenly, she hit the ground. But she didn't hit it with a sickening crunch like he'd expected, instead the ground seemed to become a giant trampoline, sinking under Cassie's weight and then she bounced right back up again.

Christmas at the Lang's: Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now