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Saturday had finally rolled around and Anna spent the day with Zeke leading up to the pimps and hoes party that night. She cooked lunch and they ate on the porch together. He kept bringing up his high school days and how he created the pimps and hoes party. Anna seriously doubted it but she let him believe it. He also talked a lot about his ex girlfriend, who Anna learned was Mo's older sister. Anna felt an inkling of an idea about why Zeke kept Mo around upon learning that. Zeke obviously still has feelings for Kate even though she moved on. She knew Zeke liked Mo, they're close friends, but Zeke could have even subconsciously been keeping him around just to feel close to her or have access to her. Anna didn't bring this up to Zeke, it wasn't her business, she just hoped that nothing came of that situation that caused anyone heartbreak. Zeke changed the subject to the party that night that her and Mo were going to. Anna talked about her plans to go to Lisa's before the party as her and Zeke went inside to clean up.

"You're pregaming? So you plan on showing up to the party already fucked up?" Zeke said teasingly.

"That's the goal. Gotta get hammered before the party because watered down vodka won't do the trick." Anna said as she put the dishes in the kitchen sink. Zeke scoffed, smiling at her jab at him.

"I will pretend that didn't hurt because I am impressed you know me that well." Zeke said. Anna turned around to face him and leaned against the counter.

"You know alcohol doesn't freeze, Zeke? And water does." Anna smiled. Zeke rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I know that NOW!" He looked slightly embarrassed but laughed with Anna about the shared memory. Zeke was caught when he was a teenager watering down Anna's uncle's alcohol that he kept in the freezer. Zeke didn't realize then the water would freeze and the alcohol would not.

"So you plan on doing your own thing tonight then, or..?" Zeke said after a moment of silence. Anna gave him a questioning look. "I just wanna make sure Mo has a good time, he's never been to a party."

"I think Mo knows what he's doing, he hangs out with you." Anna shrugged. Zeke looked slightly off so Anna gave him the space to talk if he wanted to.

"Yeah, totally. It's just, like, that he's gonna sell some weed for me, and I don't want him to be stupid about it." Anna raised her eyebrows and took a deep breath. Of course Zeke had to put Mo up to something that could get them all in trouble. Anna didn't do drugs, but she had been around it plenty to know how it all worked. She also knew that Mo had no business selling Zeke's medical marijuana.

"I'm not saying I condone this in any way, but I can observe the situation from a distance. For Mo's sake. If he ends up selling it for jack shit that's your problem." Anna told him, heading towards her room. Zeke nodded.

"I'm starting to think you like Mo more than me." Zeke teased. Anna peeked her head out her door.

"I do." Anna said before retreating back to her room again. She heard Zeke laugh lightly and was glad to know he didn't realize she was kind of serious.


Anna was at Lisa's house, the both of them getting ready for the party in Lisa's bedroom while drinking mixed drinks they made with the vodka Lisa had secretly stashed. Lisa had music playing in the background that drowned out the sound of their chatter from outside the room. Anna was sat at a vanity putting makeup on while Lisa filled her in on school gossip. Apparently, whoever they were, Elizabeth and Jacob were caught in the gym bathroom during 6th period on Thursday and that was a big deal because Elizabeth was dating some college guy and Jacob was supposably gay. Lisa kept rambling about irrelevant drama as Anna got up to pull her outfit for the party out of her bag. Lisa noticed and grabbed her black dress from her closet.

"You mind?" Lisa asked Anna, insinuating she was going to change. Anna shook her head. The two began changing into their outfits.

Anna put her thrifted skirt on first. As lisa was adjusting her dress in the mirror she caught a glimpse of Anna and turned to her.

"That's hot." Lisa smirked. "You literally look like a playboy bunny. What're you wearing with it?" Anna grabbed her cropped tank top off the bed and held it up. Lisa clapped and hopped into her closet.

"I have just what you need." Lisa squealed. Anna slipped her tank top on took her bra off from underneath, putting it in her bag. She preferred the way tank tops looked without one. Anna moved toward the closet and grabbed her drink from the nightstand as Lisa came out holding something sparkly. "It's a belly chain!"

Lisa pulled Anna to the mirror and wrapped the chain around her exposed waist as Anna took a big gulp of her drink. The chain sat just at the top of Anna's hip bones and draped across her stomach. Anna smiled at her reflection, then at Lisa.

"I look like a hoe, alright." Anna laughed and turned to look at her back side.

"No, you look like a full on whore. I'll never get laid with you around." Lisa teased. Anna laughed again and checked her makeup one last time before putting her sneakers on.

"Trust me, you'll have no problem getting laid." Anna said, winking at Lisa. Lisa blew her a kiss and grabbed her drink, chugging it down. Anna did the same, enjoying the familiar warmth of the cheap vodka as it settled in her stomach. Lisa tossed her cup in the trash and grabbed her handbag.

"Ready?" Anna nodded and grabbed her things, following Lisa out. She was buzzed and feeling confident, and knew after chugging that drink she was going to be drunk by the time they made it to the party. She took the stairs down slowly, giggling at Lisa as she misstepped and nearly tumbled.

"Shut up, we can't get caught!" Lisa whispered, still smiling and holding tightly onto the railing. Anna nodded, holding her hand on her mouth so she didn't bust out with laughter. The girls tip toed around the corner and made it out the kitchen door. They both broke into a wobbly run, letting their laughter finally escape. 

The party wasn't far away, and the cool air didn't bother the two girls as the alcohol in their systems heated them up as they walked along the sidewalk. Anna could feel her ears getting hot and she knew that last drink had begun working. She felt the warmth spreading across her body and her mind begin mellowing. Anna was often somewhat reserved, not necessarily shy, but more withholding. Usually as a means of protecting herself. When she was drunk, though, she was not. When Anna was sober she may have described her drunk self as vulnerable, but if you'd asked her in this moment, she'd tell you she was just fun. Anna thought it was funny the way alcohol let her feel that freedom that she was so terrified of feeling when she was sober.

The two girls came up on the house party. It looked unassuming, no lights or loud music, and there was a minivan parked in the driveway. Anna looked at Lisa questioningly.

"Paul's parents do not give a shit." She laughed and pulled Anna toward the front door. Lisa opened it and stepped inside, Anna in tow. There was a man on the couch reading who briefly looked at them, nodded at a door in front of them, and went back to his book. The girls opened the door and immediately saw a dark staircase down and heard the music coming from the basement in front of them. They stepped down, closing the door behind them, leaving them in partial darkness. Anna got the same feeling she always got walking into parties. She felt a exhilarating type of fear. She loved the feeling of being unknown in a room of people, especially when she was drunk. Walking down the dark stairs, feeling confident and and relaxed, Anna wondered what the night had in store for her.


I told myself I wasn't gonna write a bunch of the day leading up to the party but I did so :  ) sorry but I actually like this chapter.

It's almost Christmas, Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you eat lots of treats and get lots of hugs and feel warm and special, you deserve it!!

adolescents - mo (monroe) harrisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя