"I love it when you get jealous but you don't have think things. Now sorry but I got to go, good-bye love you" he smiled and then hang up.

He is right, I don't have to think things too much this way. Jake loves me and only me or else he wouldn't come here to see me and we would've had already broken up if he wanted to go with other women.

When I got my shoes and bag and I was finally ready to leave, I decided to go and check on our blonde guitarist.

"Good morning Porko" I smiled at him when he opened the door.

He was looking better than yesterday but still not perfectly fine.

His eyes were red and he looked really tired, also his face was red. Fever was doing it's work again.

We sat in the couch and he smiled and wanted to talk but he immediately started to cough so I stopped him.

"No no it's fine" his voice was also cracking and what I was hearing was definitely not Joonas.

I helped him get his medicine, and waited till the fever was a bit down. I know he was a grown man but I couldn't leave my friend alone this way and I also loved taking care of people.

"How did the first day at studio go?" He asked me when I gave him a warm mug of tea.

It would help a lot his throat and voice to get better soon enough.

"It was good, except of arguing with Niko but yea" I said while fixing his blanket "also me and Aleksi made a part in the new song and the others liked it" I changed subject since my day started really good and thinking about the brunnete one would destroy my mood.

"Uh well, I can't wait to hear it, if I get out of here alive" he said sarcastically

Why had men to be this dramatic for just a cold or a illness, it's not like they would die with anything that happens to them.

After spending another half an hour with Joonas I realised that I was late.... Well Hokka would kick my ass and he would be right tho.

I really forgot about time when I started to talk with Joonas and thankfully now he is better so I can leave.

"If you need anything call us" I said when I got out of the apartment

Joonas just nodded and waved at me before he closed the door.

While I was walking down the stairs my phone started to ring.... Let me guess it's Joel asking where the hell I've gone? Yea I'm sure that he is.

I was looking in my bag trying to get my phone when someone run over me spilling all his coffee on both of us and making me almost fall from the stairs. Thankful he grabbed my waist and hold me.

Movie shit? The girl falls and the man catches her instead? Yea but there is no fucking coffee in the clothes and the girl is single usually.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the man who was still holding me

He looked directly into my eyes and I did the same. He had his hair in a bun and his sunglasses on top of his head
When I realized who was the one holding me I tried to leave his arms but his grip was tight

"You can let me now" I said pretty annoyed

"Uh not you, not again" he rolled his eyes when he also realized who he fall into "why you always have to destroy my day"

"Says who?" I pointed in my clothes that now were destroyed because of his coffee "thanks for making me more late dude" i said and started to walk up the stairs so I could go and change clothes.

How do I explain this to Joel that I'm even more late because of his annoying friend

I was almost in our floor when I realized that he was following behind me.

"What the hell you want?" I said and he stopped

"Borrow Some of Joel's clothes, is he in?" He asked and walked infront of our apartment's door

"He is in the studio" I said and opened the door getting in and actually the singer followed me once again

What the hell does this man want from my life, first he is the one to say that I'm annoying him and we have to avoid eachother and now he is following me into my apartment and he is one of the reasons why I will be more late in the studio.

"I said he is not here" I rolled my eyes and Niko laughed sarcastically

"But I still need clothes you idiot and I don't want to share with Joonas or annoy him right now since he is sick" he said and walked in Joel's room

"You sure they will fit you?" I asked standing in the doorframe while the brunnete one was looking through Joel's wardrobe

Lemme tell ya that he won't be happy to see what a mess it had become right there.

"I've wore his clothes again, so I know what fits me, now leave me alone" he said pushing me out of the room

I showed him my middle finger when he closed the door

"I saw that" he screamed and I went in my room.

What is he Spiderman? What tenses he got that he can see behind the doors?

I took the quickest shower I could since there was coffee all over my body also and then I changed clothes. While I was drying my hair Niko stormed in the room.

What the heck is wrong with this man, and why did I unlocked the door when I was done with the clothes.

"What again?" I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him

"Put my clothes in Joel's laundry, rn before the coffee gets worse" he throw his clothes in my floor and walked out.

I decided not me make another scene and for first and last time do what he said.

I took the clothes in the laundry and they already smelled like coffee. What the hell does this man drink that smells so strongly.

I went downstairs and found him in the living room wearing his shoes.

"I know I'm hot but stop looking at me it's annoying" he said and turned his face to look at me

I rolled my eyes for one more time, honestly I don't even know how many times I rolled my eyes when I was in the same room with Niko. One more and they would end up in my brain.

"You are just an idiot, now get up" I moved my hands as a sign for him to finally leave

"It's also Joel's house you know.... Or I'm making you nervous when I'm here?" He smirked when he passed infront of me.

How can this man be like this, first of all annoying me and now what? Trying to play it the "hot fuck boy".

I will never understand what's inside men's brain.

*Author's note

And that's when I find free time people
At 5AM
Well doesn't matter atleast I updated.
And Jake.... what's going on man?
Enjoy 🖤

An Angel From Hell - Niko Moilanenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن