admiring from afar

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"i need a piss, felix come with me " jisung walks over and pulls me off jeongins lap. we make our way through the large amount of drunk teens, getting to a quiet corner. "lee felix. kissing girls tsk tsk that's kinda gay "

"i i um i have no clue what you're talking about " jisung glares at me "don't you need to pee ?? " i try change the subject, jisung looks very unimpressed.

"no i just wanted answers " a few drunken people come over, we walk to another less crowded area "so spill. i need to know everything and i mean everything " he crosses his arms.

"it happened on the night it snowed, i was bored so jeongin came to stay over and we ended up playing in the snow " jisung stares at me, waiting for me to continue "and um well we kissed in the park and then went back to mine where we made it official. don't tell the other me and innies evil plan was to not tell anyone and kiss infront of you during the countdown "

"omg look at my felix getting women " jisung cheers me on, proud that one of us finally made it official after months of being unlabeled.

"anyway. you and changbin, i saw the way you two were looking at eachover " it's now jisung turn to completely panic over my questioning. "come on sungggggg tell me or i'll tell minho you were the one to eat his brownie "

the fear overtakes the panic, his pouts at me but does spill. "we are dating we just don't really feel like telling people unless they ask " i glare at him. "we were watching a movie and changbin accidently confessed, i teased him about it for awhile but told him i felt the same and um after alot of not very wholesome things i got myself a small boyfriend "

"now all we need is chan and seungmin to officially get together " i pout and let myself make an evil plan to get one of them to ask the other out "anyway we should head back before jeongin gets worried !! " jisung nods as we make our way back to our friends.

we get back to the sofas "ew is that the girl from history why is she here " jisung very vocally complains as we see the girl that asked jeongin out sitting next to her while unbothered jeongin looks at her phone.

i glare at the fake blonde before walking over there, making her clear of my presence. taking my seat back onto jeongins lap. jeongin looks up and smiles "hey baby " she puts her phone away and wraps her arms around me, still ignoring the random girl from our history class.

the girl from history awkwardly gets up and walks off, jisung quickly taking her place and makes sure to glare at the girl who is disappearing into the crowd.
"it's nearly midnight " jeongin mumbles into my neck. right now our friends are dancing or getting drinks which leaves me and jeongin alone. she kisses up my neck to my jaw. "we're alone "

i blush at her tone and actions. "innie " i whisper to her, she smiles and continues what she was doing. her kisses turn to mini bites, leaving a few marks. "yang " i pouted, she sits back and admires her work.

"oopsy " she smiles, in the corner of my eye i notice our friends slowly make their way back. i fix my hair and smooth out my clothes. "hey guys " jeongin smiles as the other six sit back down, having the timer on the tv ready to countdown.

minho still looking over at us very suspiciously. "so has everyone got a kiss for new years " he asks but clearly directing it at me and jeongin. the others all nod.

the only verbal reaction he gets is a drunk hyunjin mumbling "i sure hope i do " minho tries not to laugh, keeping his serious face. jisung and chan start laughing while hyunjin clings onto minho.

"you'll just have to wait and see its only a minute away " jeongin sticks her tongue out.

"shut up minhoo they've been like this for months " chan points out while not really focusing on anything but seungmin. changbin agrees with chan, minho still suspicious of us.

"oi homos shut up there's like 30 seconds until new year " jisung yells over the music that's now slowly fading out to be able to hear the countdown.

"sorry guys jisung gets cranky when it's past his bedtime " jisung turns and glares at changbin.

"what's a bedtime " chan laughs while leaning into seungmin, who pushes him to sit up.

hyunjin sits up ready to contribute to whatever is going on until we hear the cheering getting louder "10 !!! "

"TEN SECONDS ?!?!? " hyunjin yells panicking "WHAT WHERE DID THE TIME GO MINHO HOLD ME " hyunjin dramatically throws himself into minhos arms as the rest of us laugh.

"5 " jeongin pats my thigh, getting me to get up so she can get comfortable.

"4 " i straddle jeongins lap and hold either side of her face making her smile.

"3 " i turn my head to our friends and see jisung recording.

"what ?! im gonna be kissing changbin but i also don't want to miss your kiss " he smiles as we hear 2 in the background.

"1 " jeongin rolls her eyes while holding my waist to pull me closer.

"HAPPY NEW YEARR !!! " i lean down as me and jeongins lips meet. trying not to smile through the kiss jeongin squeezes my waist, my hold on either side of her face moves down to grip her shoulders.

jeongin bites my lip before anything else can happen we feel a push making us pull away, not really noticing (or caring ) at the stares of our friends. "aw you're such a mess for me, happy new year love " i blush and hide my face in her neck.

minho clears his throat "that wasn't a cute new years kiss. how long have you guys been dating " his theory finally being proved true.

"about half a month, maybe a little longer " i turn my head to look at our friends who don't look very suprised. "losers at least act suprised " i pout at the fail of me and jeongins evil plan.

jisung gets up and gasps "OMG NO WAY MAN THAT AWESOME " he yells in english. changbin pulls him to sit down while hyunjin yells the english word awesome.

minho glares at jisung "look what you've started " he points and hyunjin while he continues laughing very loud.

"at least the women finally got together " seungmin takes a sip from their drink, minho gives up with calming hyunjin down.

"yeah now we just need the two idiots and you two to get together " minho stretches, jisung, changbin and chan all quite offended.

"but you and hyunjin are already together " jeongin comments while laughing as minho yells, she uses me as a shield just in case minho throws something.

"guys changbin and jisung are dating they are just too lazy to say anything " i expose them while hyunjin, who has stopped yelling, looks up suprised.

"yeah also me and chan are kinda dating so guess minho your point is invalid " seungmin sticks their tongue out at minho, who is now very offended.

"hyunjin we are no longer the special ones " minho pouts, and hyunjin decides to dramatically stands up and goes down on one knee.

"marry me !!!! " minho sighs while getting hyunjin to sit down again, jisung recording the scene.

"you're drunk shut up " we all laugh, this is nice. the place calms down and eventually people leave. not long later me and jeongin get out and start making our way back to mine, i hold onto her arm as we walk. a light snow begins to fall.

small snowflakes decorate my hair, jeongin stopping and holding my cold face with her warm hand, the large hand covering the whole side of my face. "you look beautiful " jeongin whispers, i barely hear her but do blush which makes her smile. "just like a fairy " she moves down to kiss me, before our lips meet she whispers another thing. "my pretty fairy "


end <3

ahhhh i love this one so much ! thankyou for all the support, i decided to edit it because its been a year since the first chapt went up <3 thankyou for reading and if you haven't already please check out my other stuff !!!

-love charlie

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