Chapter 2

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"Who." I said sternly.


He then broke down sobbing into my chest.

"Shh...," I cooed, "It's gonna be okay...I'll protect you."

He looked up at me with those gorgeous hazel eyes.

"Promise?" He sniffed.

"Promise." I assured him.

That's a promise I knew that I was going to struggle to keep.


I walked into my apartment and flopped down on the couch.

Whoever made a death wish to hurt my baby, is gonna pay.

I was boiling with pure rage and frustration.

Who would do such a thing?

What has he done to make himself targeted?

Has he been bullied more than once?

I was mostly worried about that third one.

But wait....

Why am I so worried about it?

This is forbidden love. Should I even call it love? Maybe I could call it....


My new favorite word.

My thoughts get flushed when I hear thunder.

Hmm...Never knew it was raining. I must be thinking too hard. Hehe. I'm funny. Yes, Yes you are Mr. Joseph Keeny. You should become a comedian one day. Nope I think I'm good with being a teacher. Oh come on, Joseph. You'll make money for being completely utterly stupid. Maybe, Just Maybe.


I have to stop doing that.

I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen to make some dinner. I hear crying outside of my window. I look over...

There lies a boy...naked...crouching on my the cold rain.

Stop staring, Joseph. Get him inside before he gets pneumonia and dies! His last breath will be on your back porch.

For once, I listen to my conscience and open the back door. The boy then looks up...

I gasped.

A/N: You guys I am like on my knees begging for forgiveness from you guys. I am SO so so SO so So sorry that it's been more than two months since I've updated. My family is moving and they turned off our internet and I've been without publishing for too long. I'm at a hotel right now while my family goes to look for an apartment to get settled in before we get a house. Those who have read my story and are reading this, thank you for bearing with me. You don't know how bad I feel. :c So again, thank you a lot for holding on. Hope you guys understand....You guys DO understand right? o.o

Darling *BxB*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora