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"Tell me the REAL answer then I'll give it back" Gojo playfully told her which only made L/N get even more mad

"It's December 7! Nothing new and it's just some boring day to start! Now, are you happy?!" L/N angrily shouted to him right on his face that soon his joyous hopeful look turn into a disheartened look which confused on why would he look so hurt over a boring day, "Oh... Is that so..." Gojo mumbled, not too long, he walked away along with his broken heart.

"What's with his problem" L/N uttered, rolling her eyes in irritation.

Her phone began to ring earning her attention, the caller happened to be Nobara making you confused since you knew she's busy with some mission

"Heyya F/N!" Nobara happily greeted after L/N picked up the call

"Hey, Nobara uhm why did you call? I'm sure you told me you would be busy with some mission" L/N spoke to the phone

"Oh yeah, I am but for now I just got something to ask," Nobara told her, "So what will be your question if you are going to ask?" L/N asked

"So tomorrow, December 7 happened to be Gojo-sensei's birthday, and since you're with him the whole day uhm I might ask if you pick up something that is Sensei's favorite?" L/N eyed widen after hearing what Gojo has been asking her earlier

'So he was just asking me since he's excited about his birthday which is tomorrow? This is why I should learn their birthdays" L/N thought

"Hello? Helloooo earth to F/N!" L/N then got back to her senses after hearing Nobara's loud shout, "Oh, sorry I was just spacing out" L/N spoke

"Uh uh thinking about how to confess to Gojo? So that's how it is" Nobara teased her, of course, she's one of the people who like teasing and mocking people, "Hey! I was not!" L/N defended herself by shouting back

"Yeah yeah, I'm sure you're blushing there" Nobara wasn't wrong, you were blushing furiously.

"Shut up Nobara" L/N let out in her low tone to shut Nobara up from teasing, "Oop- sorry my bad"

"But anyway do you have anything to say about what will Sensei want for his birthday?" Nobara asked, shifting the topic or else L/N will ignore her for the rest of the week. "I don't really know sorry" L/N apologize to her

"Oh it's fine, I'll just go and ask mr grumpy then talk to you later!" Nobara ended the call leaving L/N giggling knowing Nobara meant Fushiguro as mr grumpy

"Now, I need to go buy sweets to pay up what I did to him" L/N uttered to herself, looking at the clock to see it's still okay to buy the ingredients.

Standing up as she grabs her purse along with her coat before walking out of the apartment

山本Hard to getアナ

DECEMBER 06, 11:23 PM

Bad bitch (L/N)

Better get home with the food I told you to buy

Yeah, yeah I got it

Good thing you remember or else I will make sure you will sleep on the couch again

Hey, it was an accident that I ate your chocolate!

But still, it's my food and will always be my food
Seen at 8:58 pm, yesterday

"What the hell is she doing right now?" Gojo let out after L/N hasn't been texting him at least a single sorry for her harsh words

He thought it was the best way to sulk and ignore her for the rest of the day while letting her find the solution by his attitude, but it seems like the downstairs has been quiet ever since he locked himself inside their shared room

"Should I go and check her?" Mumble while walking around trying to think if he should go and check her, "You know, I will go and check if she's here" Gojo let out, opening the door from their shared room and walking down the stairs

To his surprise, you weren't present in the living which made him worried, rushed to the door and was about to leave and find you until something exploded inside the kitchen along with your scream

"L/N?!" Gojo shouted your name and run to the kitchen and was already met with a messy kitchen filled with whip cream along with you also getting your outfit covered with whip cream and slight on your cheeks and lips.

Gojo's eyes soften after seeing you trying to decorate the cake. "You were trying to make a cake... For me?" Gojo asked while pointing himself as he couldn't believe his sight

The usual cold and harsh L/N is making a cake for him, "No, it's for the cat, of course, it's for you dumbass" L/N sarcastically told him, "As a sorry for being too harsh without knowing it's- that it's your-" every time the words come out from her lips it keeps on going low that it was inaudible for Gojo to hear

Gojo thought it was the best time to tease her whenever she's in a state of embarrassment, "What? I can't hear you" he teasingly said

"Fuck you bitch" L/N told him

"Hey, that's harsh!" Gojo argues, "Well you deserve it!" L/N argued back.

"But for real I really wanted to hear it coming from you" Gojo spoke in his soft and honest tone, "It's sorry for making your heart was broken by saying tomorrow it's a boring day but it's your birthday" L/N continued

Gojo let out a beautiful laugh and walk to her, stopping in front of her which made L/N gaze at him through her blindfold guessing what he will do

Gojo put his hand to your chin and pulled you to a kiss which shocked you.

But who are you to disagree that he was the best kisser?

Pulling out after it had been a minute, "Sorry can't help it cause of the whipped cream making it look tempting" Gojo let out which made you blush, and whacked him on his arm as he let out a wince

"You bitch!" L/N shouted, "Hey that hurt!" Gojo whine, "You know since it's my birthday and the cake is kinda messy" Gojo paused before continuing

"How about you repay me by wearing a sexy bunny outfit?" Gojo blatantly told you, of course, you got annoyed by his request and got no choice but to do something

You throw the cake right onto his face before angrily walking out

"Fuck yourself bitch!" You angrily shouted before walking to your shared room.

"I guess I can't see her wearing a bunny outfit but at least I got to taste her sweet lips again" Gojo mumbled to himself with a soft smile plastered on his face

Surely he will still pester you about the bunny outfit tomorrow morning right on his birthday

Author's note:

Happy birthday to our strongest and sweet tooth teacher!

Hope you like it and give it a vote!<3

-Author Yua-chan

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