Captain knows such wonder

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(Quick reminder: I DO NOT OWN the characters of Shay Patrick Cormac, Haytham Kenway, Christopher Gist, Colonel George Monro, and Hope Jansen. Credits goes to Ubisoft. I DO NOT OWN the music, credits goes to Elitsa Alexandrova.)

The Morrigan

To the Island of San Juan de Bautista (Porto Rico)

Year of our Lord, 1758

Calming waters over the Atlantic Ocean welcomed the vessel The Morrigan on that fine summer's day. From Albany, New York to the island of San Juan de Bautista, or Porto Rico as others called it, it sails with ease. Good tidings as most may say, a fine and tranquil trip even Shay Cormac, captain in command of the Morrigan, was surprised.

"Quite a noiseless and peaceful trip, Gist. Never in all my years of being the captain find this."

"Aye, and have you noticed not a drop of rain, no storm, or anything in the matter of nature's rage have been upon us?"

"Nature can do what pleases, my worries are mostly enemy ships. Those Assassins can be anywhere by now."

"As long as we won't find them on our way to the island." Gist later recalled his past, his very beginning as a young Templar. "I have been there before. Lovely island, delicious food, excellent tobacco, beautiful women, and best of all is their rum. Ah! I can already taste that exquisite Caribbean elixir."

"The farthest I've ever gone here is to Havana..." It was now Shay's turn to remember his young past, but in a different brotherhood, a different mindset, a forgotten dark memory. "But... I no longer remember nor I wish it to do so."

Old memories reprised him no matter where and what he goes or does. Shay can no longer forgive what they ordered him to do: taking the piece of Eden from underneath the Do Carmo Church at Lisbon. They never believed him about what would happen if those devices were touched or moved from its base, instead of listening, they pushed him away and banished him from the Brotherhood, but not before he took the manuscript and ran away with it. After being shot by the Assassins, he was rescued and saved by Templar Colonel Monro under the care of the Finnegans, fellow Irish American couple still in mourning for the loss of their only son. Little did Shay Patrick Cormac knows, a former Assassin, found the acceptance and later joins the people he has hunted for years: The Templars. How fate have played him: the Brotherhood rejected Shay and the enemies took him in, now hunting those who were once his brothers... And sister.

A crewmember yelled the awaited words of "land", moments later, Grandmaster Haytham Kenway was on Shay's side.

"We are now close to land, I've heard."

"Aye, sir. I can see some mountains right there. The Island of San Juan de Bautista."

"This island never failed us" Said Haytham pointing to the island that it was now on view. "The Templars took great control of it since the first Templar of this New Hemisphere."

"The current Grandmaster is the descendant of the first of the Order here in the New World: Sancho Castelvallos López de Peñalba, you have heard of him and read his journals, Shay. The Templar Order started with him here. The now Grandmaster is a skilled spy and cartographer, a polyglot can you believe it? Speaks closely 11 languages." Gist was in awed whenever he speaks of the Grandmaster of the Caribbean Rite.

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