"Well, if you rather believe that I was fucking him in there than I won't stand in your way." I tell the janitor.

Mister Walters' cheeks turn red as an awkward cough leaves his mouth. Meanwhile, my lips form into a smirk as I see how uncomfortable I'm making.

"That's enough, Miss Hayes."

Harry's deep voice makes a shiver run up my spine. When I turn myself some more in my chair, our eyes meet and it makes me weak. I can't say I'm surprised that he's angry, I'm acting horribly right now but I'd like to believe he's more irritated because he's jealous.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't see me doing anything wrong." I tell him, giving him innocent eyes and the look that drives him crazy.

Harry's jaw clenches before he swallows harshly and breaks eyecontact, now looking over at the principal who's behind me. I'm really not doing myself any proud in here but I just want to have some fun, so why not make men uncomfortable while I'm at it.

"Georgie! I can't tolerate that kind of behavior." Miss Peters says.

I turn back around in my chair so I face her and pretend to be oblivious to what she's referring to. I'm being a real bitch right now but like I said, I don't really care. In my mind, I feel like I have nothing to lose. While actually there's a lot at stake.

"Now I want you two to apologize to Mister Walters." she says, mostly looking at me.

Niall apologizes but I don't really want to, I let myself fall back in my chair and keep an emotionless look on my face.

"I don't see the need to apologize." I tell the principal.

She's getting mad now, I can see it in her eyes. First, she tells Niall to head to class. He shifts in his seat and looks at me like he's waiting for my permission, I give him a nod to let him know I'm okay with him leaving and it makes him get up out of his chair. Niall doesn't need to take the blame for my behavior, I already feel bad that I dragged him into this mess.

"Miss Hayes, apologize and then we can move on from this." the principal demands.

"No." I tell her, shaking my head softly.

It's sad, because this is not me. I remind myself of my mother yet again and the thought of that makes me feel sick. Honestly, one of my worst nightmares is to eventually end up like her. But I can't back out, I have to keep this behavior up now. I'll end up like her anyways so why care?

"Apologize or I'll have to contact your parents about this." the principal says.

"Good luck with that." I chuckle.

She's more frustated than mad, mostly because she knows this is not really me. I have dealt with her numerous times in all these years, she knows that sometimes I act out because I'm dealing with problems at home. Still, it has never come to the point that she actually dared to call my parents.

"Look.. Georgie, you're older now. You turned eighteen, you're graduating this year, so you can't keep acting out like this. It's time to grow up." Miss Peters says, voice sincere.

I do believe this woman actually cares about me, I see her like I see every older woman in my life, as a mother figure. She has gotten me out of a lot of trouble but somehow I don't seem to return her the favor because I keep acting out. I don't like that part about me, I also can't really control it that well so it's hard to deal with.

"I'll call your mother, you can wait outside my office." she says while opening my file on her computer.

"Try my brother, my mom won't pick up." I mumble before I get up out of my chair.

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