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Hyunjin busted into the nearly empty classroom getting confused and shocked looks from the few people hanging around till the class started.

He quickly apologized before his eyes darted to the corner where his 2 friends were talking amongst themselves, not daring to lay their eyes on him.

He approached them, his brows knotted as he snaked a hand around the familiar figures shoulders with an irritated smirk.

"Oh wow, nice to see you here y/n, Jeongin. Do either of you wonderful guys mind telling me where my phone is?" He hissed.

Your pov

My eyes shot to jeongins who was sitting at his desk, me and hyunjin standing beside him. He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Hyung, why would we know where your phone is?" He asks looking up at him innocently.

Hyunjin stares down at him before turning to me. He removes his arm from my shoulders to cross them over his chest.

"And you? Do you know where its at?"

I just shrug my shoulders as I look everywhere but him. Jeongin looks at me with a mischievous smile on his face as he nods. Time to put our plan into action. He taps hyunjins shoulder and right as he turns around and starts talking to him about his poor phones whereabouts I quietly back away towards the door, and once out I make a break for it, making a beeline for the lockers.

Seeing them in the distance I sped up but not without bumping into someone. Luckily, I had somewhat good balance and was able to keep myself up straight and not make myself look like a fool. I rub my head and look up before a wide smile finds its way to my face.

The person I had run into was whining in pain and rubbing his upper arm where my head had run into it. He looked to see who the culprit was with knitted brows before his look softened and he smiled wide, maybe even bigger than I was right now.

I scrunched up my face and covered my mouth in fake shock.

"You look even uglier than last year, how do you do this..?" I said with a gasp before he scoffed.

"I'll have you know many people want this gorgeous face, you're just blind, you've been around jeongin too much." He said sticking out his tongue before I punched his arm and we both laughed before he brought me in for a tight hug.

"I missed you so much y/n! Well, not really, just wanna be nice. These past months of break were so peaceful without your loud voice." He says and rolls his eyes before laughing again.

I like his laugh I thought before smiling up at him, "I missed you too Jisung."

Before we could catch up we heard a loud yell from down the hallway and my eyes widened before quickly shoving the phone into jisungs pocket and turning around with a confused look.

Hyunjin finally made it over to us before doubling over to catch his breath.

"Where.. is.... my... phoNE!" He whined before falling to the ground dramatically. We let out a laugh as our mini group in the hallway was joined by jeongin, and some boy standing next to jisung, his visuals were off the charts, let me tell you.

"We told you we don't have it hyung." I said calmly before nudging jisung who nodded his head with jeongin.

I was about to ask jisung who the older boy standing beside him was before I was startled with a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was met with the cutest puppy like smile ever I swear. My arms almost instantly found their way around his body as he hugged me back squeezing slightly. I could feel eyes on my back but shrugged it off. The boy in my arms started mumbling into the crook of mt neck and I laughed.

When The Snow Falls • Jeongin FFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum