Chapter 6

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" So why are we sitting in your office, like aren't you going to torture me or something to get the information out of me? not that i mind" you asked while looking at him.

" The torture part wouldn't have worked, you seem like a closed book. Am i wrong?" he asked while man spreading on the couch in front of you while looking at you.

" Nope you are correct, you would have just wasted your time"you smirked at him.

" I called you here to offer you a contract, you work with us and we destroy other criminal organisations from their roots" he spoke "This will benefit both parties as you were probably doing that , right y/n?"

"Ohh so you did find information hmm interesting, you probably know that i don't have anyone you can use to make me do your dirty work then , that's why you are making this deal in the first place" you continued smiling. They knew your name.

" As i expected you are a smart woman, and yes ... you don't really have a choice anyways as we can kill you if you defy us" he continued while trying to intimidate you.

" Ohhh big boy decided to use the i'll kill you card" you started laughing. " Go ahead, kill me, i don't care Sano" you spoke without showing any ounce of fear.

He took a gun out of his pocket and pointed it you as you kept eye contact, he pulled the trigger and it went straight beside your face.
You didn't flinch or even move your eyes while he did that.

" You really don't care uh" he said while putting his gun away, sighing at your fearless attitude.
He never came across a person like you, people would be begging for their life but you decided to even provoke him while he had a gun pointing at you.

" Your offer is quite tempting, what will i get in return?"you asked crossing your legs.

" First you would free japan of all criminal organisations and second you would get a large amount of money."

" Well Bonten would be still there tho, what happens after hmm~ i destroy you too?" you looked down at him.

" Well that is in the future to happen, you would become our enemy again but for the meantime we can work together" he held his hand forward.

" I have my conditions"you spoke firmly

" Go on lets hear them"

" One i wont kill anyone and second you will stop anything that has to do with prostitution"

" Fair enough, that will be done"

You shook his hand as he dismissed you.
You were about to open the door when he called to you.

" Oh and you will be living here for the time being"

" WHAT- why"you said shaking your head disapprovingly.
" I don't want to live in a house full of men"

" I promise nothing will happen to you, no one will touch you . I assure you safety and anyone who goes against it will pay" he said sternly.

" Ugh fine okay" you sighed, you obviously didn't want to but your safety is in better hands i guess.

" Kakucho will show you to your room"

You closed the door and started to wander around the house as you reached the massive living room.
There sat were some people including Kakucho.

" WHAT SHE WILL BE WORKING WITH US ?!! THAT BITCH IS NOT" sanzu yelled angrily at Kakucho and Takeomi .

" Sanzu calm down that is Mikey's orders , you don't have a say in this matter" Takeomi spoke.

" Yo" you walked in and greeted them with a peace sign .

Sanzu ran to you and grabbed you by the collar once again, 'he wants to get his ass beat again ugh'
" I will kill you as soon as mikey finishes whatever he is doing with you"

You looked at him and just smiled.
" Oh i look forward to that strawberry chan" you innocently looked at him in the eyes.
" But you know i'm getting tired of you grabbing me by my clothes, you should learn a lesson"

You grabbed his arm once again and flipped him on to the ground, you took his arm in yours and were about to break his joints.
" So now should i break your arm ? Maybe your leg?" you said as you thought.

He tried to get out of your grip as you only tightened it. You had a better idea in your mind so you decided to press hard on the pressure point that knocks someone out in seconds.

You got off him and dusted your clothes off, everyone was looking at you as you just rolled your eyes.

" He is alive for now , if he doesn't piss me off"you said as you looked at them " Now Kakucho can you please tell me which is my room"

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