Promise [Part 2]

Începe de la început

Meanwhile, Solar and Eunbi look at Irene who focuses on her laptop. When the others leave the table, they decide to ask Irene

"Rene, is everything okay?" Solar questioning slowly. She already knows that Irene and Seulgi breakup and she feels sorry for her best friend. She already expect they will have argument but she not expect until breakup

"What do you mean?" Irene furrowed her eyebrow

"About you and our CEO? Did he call you again after last time?"

"No, I block his number" Irene say nonchalantly

Solar and Eunbi look at each other "What if he needs to contact you regarding work?"

"He can call me through the office extension. I'm not going to deal with work related stuff at home"

"How about the trip to Daegu? You're not going to ask for a replacement, right?" Eunbi asking

"Of course not. I'm professional. I will not bring personal problems to the office. Besides, I involve directly for the event from the start so I must be there"

"That's good then"

Suddenly, their manager came towards them and said "Hey girls" . He greeted them in a friendly way as usual. Manager Lee Hyukjae is kind and friendly with his staff so they are comfortable with him

"Hey Manager Lee, what's up?" Solar asking

"I just received a memo from our GM. He said Eunbi-ssi will go to Daegu with Irene-ssi"

"Seriously, sir?" Eunbi startled

"Yes, this is order from our CEO"

"Okay sir, I don't have a problem with that. Besides, I also involved in the event planning so I know a bit" said Eunbi

"That's good then. You two will have a meeting with the CEO tomorrow to talk about the trip. GM also said the trip will be extend until Saturday because CEO want to visit KS Hypermarket, Daegu"

Irene's eyes widened "Are we involved too?"

"Yes, since you two are part of the trip"

"Okay then"

"That's all for now. Don't forget the meeting tomorrow. His secretary will send email to both of you regarding the meeting schedule"

"Okay sir"

After Manager Lee leave, they gossiping again "Yaa, this must be CEO idea" said Solar

"I think so" Eunbi agree

"He always does whatever he thinks is right. I know this must have something to do with a personal issue that's why he wants you to be there" Irene reasoning "But at least, I have someone to talk with. I still not in mood to talk with Seungwan, not to mention his boss"

"Cheer up, Rene" Solar pats Irene shoulder softly


Gimpo Airport

Irene and Eunbi arrived at the airport for their trip to Daegu with their boss. They sit on the bench while waiting for Seulgi and Seungwan arrival

"Aish, what takes them so long?" Irene grunt. It has been 15 minutes since they arrived but the duo still not show up

"Calm down, unnie. Maybe they are on their way. Don't tell me that you excited to meet our boss" Eunbi teasing Irene

"Kwon Eunbi, do you want to ride outside of the plane?" Irene glare at the younger girl

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