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Thy Kingdom Come
four - imperial family


They turned around instinctively and stepped back, bumping into a statue.

'When did he get this close?' Two people had soundlessly approached. One of them was so far away that the twins couldn't see his face, but based on his outfit, he seemed to be a knight. And the person in front of them was . . .


Once they confirmed his face, their bodies lost its strength.

As the pouches in their hands fell to the floor, its contents spilled out. The funds they steadily gathered for years were all sparkling on the floor.

The man standing at the back looked at it with a strange expression.

"That face."

His low voice and coldly glimmering eyes pierced through them. Mysterious eyes that had a strange color. The twins felt like looking at a mirror, but his eyes didn't have any emotion, so they looked like real jewels. "I feel like I've seen it before."

They had never seen him before, but they knew at a glance.

Gold hair scattered by the wind. The eyes that only the Imperial family had. The expressionless face looking at them, and a beastly aura.

Claude de Alger Obelia, their evil psychopath of a father who killed Athanasia and used Cyrus.

"Yes," Claude continued to stare at Athanasia, a blurry image of Diana appearing in his mind. "The dancer from Siodanna, you look like her."

At the unexpected meeting, no words came out of her mouth. Her head was blank. She only held on her brother like her life depended on it.

The twins were baffled at the way they met Claude. The little girl was only five, not nine, and this wasn't the Emperor's Garden either.

Athanasia wasn't supposed to meet Claude today and Cyrus would be meeting him when he turned fourteen when he was called in by the Emperor to talk about his poor swordsmanship. That was what was stated in the novels.

So why were they meeting him now?

"Then again, it doesn't matter who you came from." Athanasia couldn't even afford to be curious about what he meant. She blankly looked at the man who slowly raised his hand.

Cyrus pushed Athanasia behind him. He wasn't frightened of Claude, but he was more afraid of what he could do to Athanasia.

'What do I have to do in order for you to love me?'

Cyrus winced slightly at the throbbing in his head.

'What was that voice?' A voice full of pain and shaky breath echoed in his ears.

'He would never love someone like you, Prince Cyrus.'

Cyrus' grip on Athanasia's wrist tightened when another voice echoed in his mind, but he immediately let go and clenched his fist. He tried to hide his pain, yet Claude didn't miss to see the look in his jewel eyes.

"Your Majesty." The knight behind him called out in a calm voice.

The twins looked at the hand extended to them and his hand stopped midair. It seemed like his emotionless eyes were discerning their face again.

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