Chapter 26 - The Before Pt. 5

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"I know you're angry at your mom, at the situation, probably even at me! I know this is uncharted territory but I'm trying to be on your side here! Why can't you see that?" I continue.

"Okay but you don't get it Santana! You don't! You think you do but you don't! When's the last time you were kicked out and then proceeded to have your entire life upended? When's the last time you had to go months without seeing your brother? Or mom no matter how angry you are at her? We're living two completely different lives here! So please stop. Because you don't get it and I doubt you ever will."

We sit in silence for a while. Neither of us knowing what to say.

I want to comfort her but I don't know how anymore. For months it's been so hot and cold between us that I can't tell if she'd even want me to touch her.

"Cait... I'm trying.. I know it's not everything, it probably feels shallow or whatever, but can you please let me be here for you?" I move over to my bed and sit, keeping my distance.

"Liam has to move now. Leave all his friends behind and start over now. All because of me. Because of us."

I want to respond but I can only listen.

"This is all my fault-" her voice breaks off. "If I had never pursued you.. if I had just ignored it all.. we'd still be a family and Liam wouldn't have to go through all of this- this bullshit! He's gonna hate me.."

"Whoa Cait, let's not go that far. I'm sure he has some sort of idea of what's going on by now.. and from what you've told me he definitely doesn't hate you."

"Santana just- I'm leaving. I can't be here right now." She shakes her head and stands up, walking out the room.

"Well what the hell." I grumble to myself. "I'm gonna have high blood pressure dealing with her."

"Eventually, Caitlyn came to see reason and became less defensive when the topic came up. She was around the group of us more often than not and most of her free time outside of that was spent with me, helping her pack up. Apparently they were leaving as soon as possible which meant once the school year ended they'd be gone."

A Week Later

You have got.. to be fucking kidding me.

"oh my god." Caitlyn whispers in disbelief.

With her hands up to her face, covering her mouth I hear her hushed tone and see her wide eyes. "I am so sorry Santana. I-it was an accident I swear. You know I'd never put my hands on you. I-I was jus-"

"Stop." I bring my hand up, motioning for her to be quiet.

"Sanny I-"

"No shut up." I don't yell, just speak cold and clear. "I can't keep doing all this fighting with you..."


"I'm done. I'm done."

"No Sanny-"

"No Caitlyn! I said I'm done! This- this fighting? It's unhealthy. I can't ask if you're okay, I-I can't talk about my problems without your rude commentary, God forbid I bring up your family! Look at us! We're supposed to be bestfriends! We're supposed to always be there for each other, tell each other everything! But it's always arguing and secret keeping and problems!" I plead. "I don't care... if that was just an accident. It shouldn't have gone far enough for it to happen.. so... I'm done. That was the last straw." I finish calmly.

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