|:| Chapter 1 |:|

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| A/N | Hey everyone! Sorry, I'm posting the first chapter a little later than I thought I would life got really complicated last night. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

! TW ! mentions physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, and alcoholism.

~Cameron's POV~

I pulled my heavy suitcase along the very narrow sidewalk as cars rushed past me. I was currently trying to get to my new apartment that I'm renting for six months. Honestly, it was a pretty crappy apartment, but I wasn't left with much money after my parents passed away. They always favored my sister Camila, so she got all their money while I was left with the dog and my savings. Considering my parents took most of my money I didn't have much left in my savings, which meant I had to get a VERY cheap apartment.

"Oden! Oden leave it!" I said as my four-year-old husky tried to chase after a stray cat. He lunged forward as the cat ran in the opposite direction. Thankfully I was able to hold onto the leash and calm him down. Oden has always been very protective of me since my dad used to beat me. So he sees everything as a threat. Including random stray cats.

"It's ok bud I'm ok," I said calmly, patting his head.


About twenty minutes later we finally got to the apartment building. I walked up the dirty cement stairs lifting my heavy suitcase each step. After about ten minutes of climbing, we finally got to the level my apartment was on. I rolled the old dusty suitcase down the long hallway, the sound of the wheels rolling on the cement floors filling the hallway. Oden's ears stayed perked as he looked around the hall making sure there was nothing there to hurt me.

We finally arrived at my apartment. I stuck the rusty gold key into the old keyhole and turned it, unlocking the door. I opened the door and walked in Oden following closely behind. I closed and locked the door behind me and looked around the small apartment. The walls had old wallpaper plastered all over them, there was a dusty couch in the middle of the room, an old fashion fridge and oven in the kitchen area, a small door that led to the bathroom, and another small door that led to the bedroom. I unclipped Oden's leash and he immediately started sniffing around the room. I grabbed the handle of my old suitcase and dragged it to my small bedroom. When I opened the door I looked into the room. There was a small bed against the wall, an old dresser in the corner with a small lamp on it, a little rug at the foot of the bed, a wood desk against the wall, and a small window with two old white curtains on each side of it. I walked in, throwing my suitcase on the bed, and unzipped it. Oden slowly walked into the room sniffing around for a second then laid down in the corner and fell asleep. I quickly unpacked my stuff then fell on my bed immediately falling asleep.


The next morning I woke up to Oden parking at my alarm clock as it screamed in my ear. I groaned, slamming my hand over the old clock which made it shut off. I rubbed my hands over my eyes as I sat up letting out a long yawn. Today was my first day of filming my new movie "Along The Riverside". Along The Riverside is about a young girl named Mary Joans who grows up very poor in the 1700s. She falls in love with a rich boy named Nickolas who is very rich. Her parents don't approve of him but Mary's brother Thomas supports her. The whole movie is just a documentary on her life. I was very excited about this movie. My parents used to always say I would never succeed in acting. They would beat me down about my dreams but I never believed what they said. I knew I was gonna become an actress one day.

I slowly got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom. I walked into the small bathroom closing the door behind me. I turned on the shower and took off my pajamas. I stepped into the steaming shower feeling the warm water hit my bare body, the steam filling my lungs.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping my body in a white towel. I dried off myself then wrapped my hair in the towel. I grabbed my clothes from the counter and put them on. I was wearing blue baggy jeans that were scrunched at the waist and a small cropped tank top. I opened the bathroom door letting Oden in. He happily walked in laying down by my feet and falling asleep. I took my hair out of the towel brushing it out. I put it in a long side braid with a few strands of hair loose in the front. I put on some waterproof mascara, a simple black eyeliner wing, and light pink lipgloss. I walked out of the small bathroom with Oden trailing closely behind. I walked back into my ugly bedroom making the bed, opened the curtains, picked up my clothes from the night before, and grabbed my mini backpack putting my phone, wallet, AirPods, and chapstick in it.

"Oden follow." I commanded the silver husky. He perked up his ears and obeyed the command, following behind me. I grabbed my laundry from the bathroom then put them in a small basket by the front door that I would bring down that evening. I grabbed Oden's leash and clipped it onto his dark leather collar. I grabbed the key to my apartment and opened the door, locking it behind me. Oden and I walked down the long hallway, stairs, and out of the building. We walked down the sidewalk for about ten minutes before getting to the bus stop. We got there just as the bus arrived and hopped on.

"Thank you!" I smiled, giving the bus driver a five-dollar bill. He scoffed, grabbing the dollar and putting it into a small container. I rolled my eyes and began to walk off the bus Oden walking right next to me.

"You have to be on your best behavior today, Bubs. I told the producers you were well trained and wouldn't be a distraction." I spoke to the husky that walked next to me.

After five minutes of walking, we arrived at the studio. I showed the security my ID and the letter from the producers to let Oden in. They made me go through a metal detector before I could go in (they did this the first few days just in case I was carrying a weapon.) After they said I was clear I walked out a door into an alleyway. Right across the ten-foot-wide alleyway was another building. I walked through the large metal doors, my face immediately being hit with cool air.

"Cameron!" Called a kind voice. I opened my eyes to see one of the producers from "Along The Riverside" with open arms ready for a hug.

"Hello!" I smiled and hugged him tightly. Oden let out a small growl as he got close to me but quickly calmed down when he realized he wasn't a threat.

"Here's a small schedule that shows the days we film, you're co-stars, and which scenes we're filming each day." He said holding out a sheet of paper.

"Oh thank you." I smiled, grabbing the paper.

"Well, I'll leave you to look around." He said then walked away. I looked around the large area not seeing many other people. I walked farther into the building and turned a corner seeing a bunch of people. I suddenly got a little nervous. I didn't do that well in big groups of people because of past trauma. Oden noticed the change in my energy and began whining and stepping closer to me. I smiled rubbing his soft head, suddenly feeling a little better. I then walked into the room being greeted by many different people.

After a little bit of meeting with the cast, I looked down at the small sheet of paper.

"Tom Holland?" I said to myself.

"He's famous! And really cute..." I mumbled, staring down at the paper.

"Cute? I prefer gorgeously handsome but I guess that works as well." A slightly raspy British voice spoke from behind me. I slowly turned around seeing the one and only Tom Holland standing right in front of me.

| A/N | Hope you all liked it! I'll be writing the next chapter soon!! <333

No Shit Sherlock | T.H. |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt