character intro

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Celeste: age: 75 , Height: 6ft

Zenith: Age: 78, Height: 10ft

Midnight: Age 74, Height: 6'5ft

Shade: Age: 75, Height: 6'3ft

Nightbreaker: Age 70, height: 6ft


Nightmare: Age: 100, Height: 13 ft

Night: Age: 45, height: 14ft

Moon: Age 42, Height: 12ft

Moonlight: age 42, Height: 12ft

Sky Lyra: age: 41, Height: 7ft

Sunlight: age: 19, Height: 10ft

Daylight: age: 18, Height: 11ft

Daydream: age: 15, Height: 9ft

Sky: age: 11, height: 8ft

Chausiku (Born at night): age: 2, height: 7'5ft


Reverie: age: 20, height: 10ft

Phantasm: age: 16, height: 9ft

Robin: age: 19, height: 11ft

Kota: age: 10, height: 7ft

The life of Night SmitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora