"Your hair is messy," Venus deadpanned as Alfred greeted them at the bottom. 

Jason scoffed and ran a free hand through his dark hair. "Is it really? It's exactly how you like it, liar." He pinched her arm lightly, and she nudged him harshly with her hip. He knocked his shoulder into hers when they heard someone clearing their throat politely. 

The two turned toward Alfred, still arm-in-arm. The butler spoke curtly, one of his brows perfectly arched. "Please, act like civilized human beings tonight. It's the least you two can do after last time. I feared Master Wayne would kill you on the spot." 

Jason and Venus glanced at each other and snickered. Bruce's last fundraiser was an utter bore, and Venus suggested they play a game. Jason, of course, agreed with a smirk when he heard what it entailed. The two stood outside on the balcony with expensive glasses of cider, taking turns pouring tiny amounts over the edge. They were aiming for Dick and Bruce, who were directly below them. Of course, Dick swiftly avoided Venus's cider, and it fell on Jake Kane. The two froze as he glanced up angrily, hand brushing against the sticky substance in his hair, dripping onto his white suit. 

Bruce was furious. Jake Kane was one of the richest, most influential people in Gotham; one of the five families that ruled Gotham society. So Jason and Venus were forced to apologize, Jason snickering into her ear as she stuttered out a rather insincere apology. 

"He would never kill me," Jason said cockily to Alfred. "I'm far too amusing." 

"Hey! What about me?" Venus protested, nudging her knee into his harshly.

Jason fixed his stare on her, fingers tapping on her arm. "And you are much too gorgeous."

She blushed under his intense stare and quickly looked to Alfred, grinning. "Don't worry, Al. We've matured since then. Learning from our mistakes and all." 

Jason gently tugged her away as Alfred shouted, "It was only last week!"

The two stood by a large plant, champagne in hand. Bruce forbad them from drinking alcohol, claiming he didn't need rowdy teenagers running around. That didn't stop them, of course. They studied the people around them; all important citizens of Gotham, showing off their shiniest jewels. 

"Oh, that's a pretty bracelet," Venus noted, pointing to a nearby woman. It was a silver band heavily decorated with diamonds. It probably cost more than Jade's apartment. 

"Mm, you think so?" Jason spoke. "Look at all these rich idiots dancing. Stupid, isn't it?" 

 She chuckled, setting her gaze on a short, stubby man clumsily dancing with a tall, elegant woman. It was hilarious, actually, the amount of times he stepped on her toes. 

"You are a rich idiot, Jason" Venus hummed. "Just an idiot in general, really." 

He snorted and narrowed his eyes, offended. "Love you too, Vea." 

She shifted uncomfortably. Venus loves him. Really, she does. But, she just has such a hard time saying it. He knows that, and he knows how she feels. Which is why they work so well together; they understand each other. 

"I have a question," Jason grinned boyishly. His crooked smile made Venus's heart flutter, and she fought to keep from grinning back.

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