10: fugly

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It had been a month since the incident. It took a few days to get over it but we both agreed to pretend it never happened. Out friendship was back to normal and I wasn't alone for the last month of school like I thought I would be.

I walked to the Feders residence since I was avoiding my father all morning as I had just found out I had a brother. I'm not sure he even knew but I still wasn't happy about it.

"Brielle!" I hear Becky squeal as she races to me on her bike then tossing it over jumping into my arms.

"You must be exited for your last day of grade 3." I say tickling her side as she giggles and squirms in my arms. I grab her bike handles and move her over to my other hip as I walked the bike to the driveway as she told me about the deer in her house. Which I thought was just a made up story but turns out it wasn't.

"Yeah last day of school Greg. Last days to ask her out before summer." I hear Keithie say as I near the driveway.

"You like a girl. Is that why you've been taking them long showers." Lenny says as Becky gets on her bike and he throws the ball at her helmet.

"No I'm conditioning my hair. That all I do in the shower, condition my hair." Greg says glancing at me as I walk towards the rock Keithie is sitting on.

"That's not what the deer told me" I couldn't help but laugh knowing portions of the story that Becky shared.

"That deers a liar!"

"I heard too much conditioning can make you go blind." Becky adds in oblivious to what the 2 actually mean.

"Who told you that?" Lenny says as he continues to throw the ball at her helmet.

"Higgins." She says smiling to herself.

"I should kill him."

"I'll make sure to tell my dad to keep his mouth shut." I say with a bit of anger laced in my voice mentioning my dad. I was still mad at him for keeping that a secret. Our whole bond was based off of honesty and he broke that.

"He's too chicken to even ask her out dad. She's the hottest girl in school and Greg's fugly." Keithie says as Greg smacks the back of his head.

"You like Nancy?" I ask and he turns towards me. Why did I feel hurt I mean I rejected him, I shouldn't care right?

"No he likes y-" Greg quickly puts his hand to Keithies mouth stopping him from finishing.

"Yeah Nancy." He smiles moving his hand from Keithies face who just looks at him confused.

"Look Greg you're going to follow my 3 step program. Number one make the girl smile. Number two tell her she has a nice smile. Number three say she has to go out with you that night." Lenny says to Greg.

"Why that night?" Greg asks his dad

"Because it gives her less time to think about how fugly you are because you are fugly." Lenny says in all seriousness making me giggle quietly.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And besides Keithies right I'm too chicken to even ask her out." Greg says. I felt bad for the boy I guess he sadly really did like one of my closest friends.

"Hey. You're a Feder. Feders aren't afraid of women buddy. That's not the way I'm raising you." Lenny says acting as if he wasn't terrified of his wife.

"Oh by the way dad did you ask mom if I can play football?" Keithie asks about to prove my point.

"No I was scared she was going to yell at me in that accent no one understands." Lenny says making me laugh as I expected proving my point.

"Cmon Becky it's 8:00 school starts at 8:15 that means we only have 25 minutes." I hear Bean yell as he stops his bike in front of Lennys feet.

"Daddy you promise Mr. Gigglesworh will be better by bedtime?" Becky says in that sweet little voice making me smile as Lenny reassured her that her stuffed money will be fine as the two of them rode off on their bikes.

"My god. Riding their bikes to school. Couldn't do that in L.A with the nuts out there." Lenny says as we watch the two kids bike off.

"Yeah thank got their aren't any crazy people out here." Keithie says and like clock work our cracked our us driver pulls up aggressively breaking in front of us and opening the doors.

"How ya doing Nick?" Lenny asks with the balls still in his hands as he tosses it to himself.

"My wife's leaving me after three weeks." He says shaking.

"Three weeks that's not too bad for you. What happened?" Lenny asks as the two boys start giggling.

"She found me eating a banana. With my butt." I wish I could say I was surprised but I've witnessed him do worse on this bus.

"And she didn't like that?" Lenny asks

"Yeah she got really bummed out. But y'know I shouldn't have done it at her moms house." He says as the three of us start laughing.

"Yeah you seem like you're a little extra out of it today. What's going on?" Lenny asks as Nick explains himself making him sound even more stupid.

So Lenny became the bus driver for the day picking up the kids plus Kurt as Andre and Charlotte get on the bus. Andre sits in the seat in front of Greg and I and we all start talking about what we would do after school.

Until the bud bully stood from his seat and started making fun of Donna's shoes.

"Oh leave her alone" I say rolling my eyes as he turns to me.

"What did you say to me hot stuff." He says smirking as he lays a hand on my shoulder but Greg quickly stands up and shoved him off me.

"Don't touch her man." Greg says squeezing past me into the aisle in front of the guy.

"Just leave it Greg. His brain can't comprehend what you're saying." Keithie says as people on the bus start laughing as I pull Greg back down into the seat.

"What did you say to me?" The guy asks Keithie but Lenny breaks them up over the intercom before the bully could do anything else. And then we arrive at school for one last time, well until next year.

Summer that started it all~ Greg FederUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum