I’d die without them.

“Mommy! Come on, wake up!” My eyes snapped open and realized it was just a dream, a horrible dream. I was disoriented for a second as I took in the grassy field, the lake and the sight of the mountain ranges before me. That’s right, today was my daughter’s seventh birthday and we were out for a picnic and later today we were going to the amusement park. I must have fallen asleep, Nath tugged on my arm again, urging me to stand up.

I sat up and studied her vibrant face and that brilliant smile that accentuated her happy feature. She was enjoying this so much that I must remind her not to overwhelm her body with too much running. “Let’s eat!” She giggled and I couldn’t help but to smile back at her, the remnants of the memory of my dream forgotten. They would never go anywhere, they’d just stay here with me and we’d live happily.

“Let’s go, where’s your dad?” I asked as I scooped her up and she giggled more.

“Right there!” She pointed on our right and there was Nate, smiling at us with the food laid out neatly on the blanket. I chuckled they were really enjoying this. Of course, I was enjoying this too; it has been a long time since I relaxed myself like this. Too much had happened.

We made our way towards Nate who was wearing a ridiculous wide smile on his face but who was I to comment on how silly his smile was when I was having it on my face too. “I’m sorry I dozed off.”

I let go of Nath and she sat beside her father, taking a piece of sandwich from the container and started munching on it. “It’s okay... we explored for a bit while you slept.” He said shrugging and gestured for me to sit.

“Oh, so did you enjoy it, Nath?” I asked her and she nodded her head excitedly. Nate chuckled and so did I.

“Yes, we go round the lake and daddy said we can swim there when the weather is not cold! Can we, mommy? Please?” She said her eyes begging me and I chortled.

“Of course we can, but first you have to get stronger so you can swim...” I smiled at her and she bounced on her bum while she clapped her hands together giddily. I caught Nate’s look and we smiled at each other. He inched closer towards me and draped his arm around my shoulders, I leaned my head on him.

“And daddy told me stories when you are both still little!” She said proudly,

I looked at Nate and he shrugged innocently, “Little? Baby, your dad won’t know anything about while I am still a little girl, y’know... anyway, what did he say?” I heard Nate snicker beside me.

“He said that you fell on the lake while you’re on your sunmer trip back when you’re in a school... because daddy said you are busy looking how he played the ball!” she said with a loud giggle and I laughed. Expect Nate to tell those kinds of stories, not as if he was fabricating it. I really fell but that was because a friend nudged me and I lost my balance and it just happened that we locked eyes before I completely fell. It was extremely embarrassing and it was on the list per say.

“I am so not looking at you, you know!” I elbowed him and he burst out laughing.

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