
Start from the beginning

"This place is so cool." Queenie comments, her eyes moving across the restaurant floor around her, smiling cutely at any strangers she accidentally makes eye contact with.

Lando smiles to himself as he watches her. The restaurant the pair have decided to dine at tonight is one that had been recommended by a few members of the McLaren team after they'd stumbled upon the place a few years back. It's crowded and loud in its true Italian nature but exclusive enough that Lando trusts he and Queenie won't have any mishaps with any intrusive fans during their date.

"I'm glad you like it here." Lando says, leaning in a little closer to the young lawyer. His excuse is that the restaurant is loud and he wants to make sure she can hear him; the truth is that he just wants to be close enough to be surrounded in Queenie's signature vanilla perfume.

"Have you been here before?" Queenie questions, her attention now solely on the boy she's grown so attached to over the most recent months.

Lando shakes his head, eyes casting down to the drinks menu laid out on the table in front of him. Queenie's gaze on him makes him nervous, almost like he's back at school and talking to his crush for the first time.

"No," He replies. "But it came with raving reviews from a few of the guys on the team."

"I can see why." Queenie comments, her smile ever present on her glossed lips.

Lando meets Queenie's eyes again and he grins. It's one of his proud but soft smiles and it makes Queenie's stomach flip.

There are many things about Lando that Queenie finds beautiful. From the outside, Lando is a very attractive man—anyone with eyes could point that out—but to Queenie, he's so much more than that.

His beauty is in his humour and the way he carries himself. It's in his loyalty to his friends and family and in his fierce drive to achieve the greatest version of himself; the champion everyone believes he is. It's the sound of his laughter and the way his tongue presses against the roof of his mouth when he tries not to laugh too hard.

But, nothing beats the way his smile makes Queenie feel.

That soft, sweet smile is what she's falling in love with.

"What?" Queenie whispers, too shy to even laugh away her nerves as she watches Lando's blue-green eyes flicker across her features.

Lando shakes his head, still giving Queenie that heart-stopping smile. "Nothing."

"You're staring at me."

"You're nice to look at."

"Just nice?" Queenie teases, scrunching her nose in fake anger. "Not breath-taking or anything?"

Lando rolls his eyes at Queenie's dramatics. "Not when you pull that face."

Queenie pouts. "Bully."

"I prefer the term: critic." Lando jokes, patting Queenie's hand in feigned sympathy.

Queenie continues to pout until Lando moves his hand so that their fingers interlace under the table as he goes back to deciding what he wants to order from the menu. Queenie follows suit, looking down at her own menu but sneaking glances at the brunette boy every chance she gets.

The waitress soon arrives at their table and takes their meal and drink orders, coming back no longer than a few minutes later with the cocktails the pair had ordered.

Queenie hums in appreciation after taking her first sip of the Limoncello Lemon Drop cocktail she'd chosen. Her eye twitches slightly at the initial tarty taste and Lando snorts unattractively, knowing that she'd have that reaction when he heard her ask for it from the waitress.

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