54. My favorite thing (NSFW)

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"Did you think ten strokes of the paddle would be enough for what came out of that pretty little mouth of yours earlier?" he smiled. "Then you're sorely fucking mistaken. That was just the warm-up. And be thankful I warmed you up, kitten, 'cause you'll need it for this one."

He let the cane swish through the air and the sound alone sent shivers through my entire body. Ash's eyes glimmered as he brushed a strand of hair away from my forehead and the touch was so gentle that the contrasting emotions in me almost made me try to lean my head against his hand, but I stopped myself at the last second.

"I won't make you count, 'cause you won't be able to anyway," he said calmly. "And I'll take it easy. But easy doesn't mean nice, okay? Canes aren't nice. Trust me."

He was enjoying this; I could hear it in his voice. He enjoyed this far too much, and I couldn't get the sound of the rattan cane out of my head as he walked behind me again. The tip of the cane slid over one of my butt cheeks and then he began to make light, quick taps with it. The feeling was quite different to anything I had felt before, it buzzed in the skin that was already sore from the paddle and each quick tap was reverberating outward.

Then came a sudden, brutal blow. I groaned loudly, the pain was stinging and seconds later came an even greater searing pain that spread in waves. God, that was just one blow. I breathed through my mouth as he continued his small quick taps, and the next hard blow came against my other cheek. I gasped and tried to bite my tongue to keep from screaming out loud. The light taps became fewer and the hard ones more frequent and I breathed heavily as the tears caused by the pain trickled unstoppably down my cheeks. It was like my whole body was on fire.

"You still think I'm too much of a pussy for you?" I heard Ash ask behind me and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"H-hn... n-no..." I moaned through my teeth.

After a while the fiery pain vibrating in me and slowly began to morph. That strange wave of calm, of freedom and total carefree-ness slowly began to sweep through my body. The blows didn't feel as hard anymore, but each time they came, the wave within me intensified and my mind began to fray at the edges.

"Do you regret what you said before?" Ash said, his voice getting further away.

"Yeah..." I mumbled absently, not really sure what I was responding to.

The beating stopped at once and I watched in a haze as Ash came forward and crouched down in front of the table, so that our faces were level with each other. I was so disconnected from myself that I had trouble meeting his gaze, but I could see the smile on his lips. It was completely irresistible.

"You have a beautiful ass right now," he said softly. "Want some more, kitten?"

Without really being able to understand why, I nodded. The only thing on my mind right now was that feeling, that completely liberating feeling. I wanted more of it. Wanted to drown in it. He smiled and ran his palm down both my cheeks, which were completely soaked. When he was back behind me, I felt him slide his hand over my butt cheeks and the skin became wet with my tears.

Then he resumed the small, quick taps and now it felt utterly different. The moisture from my tears made the strokes sharper, more intense and my head was spinning. The first hard blow made me moan loudly and the wave pulled through me so powerfully that I lost track of where I was.

"Caning is my favorite thing," I heard Ash muse quietly from somewhere far away. "It makes the most beautiful marks on the body."

There was no more pain, just the dull sensations of something thudding against my skin and I was floating somewhere in a void, a vacuum. There was only peace and freedom from everything where I was. And the lulling sound of his voice.

Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz