The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 3

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Mickey, Goofy and Minnie back in the Gummiship, just seconds ago had hacked into the Bin's security camera, allowing them to watch the battle taking place on screen. And they're not pleased to see how badly things are going for the Duck Family. Mickey can't help but sweat in fear.

Mickey: Oh no…it's hopeless. Magica is just too strong for even Donald and Daisy's too injured to fight back now.

Minnie: Minnie does her best to remain optimistic. But surely Donald still has some tricks up his sleeve. He's wearing weighted garments, isn't he Mickey?

Mickey: Mickey shakes his head and turns to his wife. I'm afraid not Minnie. The outfit he's wearing isn't all that heavy. It's made for battle and for absorbing multiple attacks.

Minnie: But surely Donald is holding back at least some of his power.

Mickey: Not at all. He's giving Magica everything he's got. Unless we get there…

Minnie shudders the thought of how Magica plans to kill the entire family and she's even more frightened when she sees the grim expression on Mickey's usually cheerful face.

Donald gives a battle cry as he charges at Magica who tauntingly flies back with her arms crossed until they both crash into another pile of gold and are engulfed in a cloud of smoke. Inside the smoke Donald whacks Magica with his staff only for the witch to vanish and reappear to deliver a kick that makes Donald spill some blood. The Mage of Thunder loses sight of her in the smoke, allowing Magica to kick him down and then elbow the good mage in the face, that makes him reel back shouting in pain.

Minnie: Oh…Donald…

Goofy: Don't worry Queen Minnie. Minnie looks to Goofy still piloting with his usual optimistic expression. This is Donald we're talking about. He'll win, just you watch. Don't forget, our Mage of Thunder still has one ace up his sleeve. Donald can unleash his true power, maybe not all of it since he can't fully control it like you said King Mickey but he should be able to stand 20% of his true power and that may just be enough. He's far from being tapped out yet.

Minnie: Minnie feels her hope come back to her and she clasps her hands. Yes, you're right! I almost forgot about Donald's true power!

Mickey: I'm sorry. They both look to see Mickey still has a grim expression. I want to believe that's true but…I'm afraid Donald's already unleashed his true power…the full 20% he can use…but 20% isn't enough to defeat a foe like Magica…look at the screen…

They look to the screen to see Donald continuing to fight Magica in the smoke cloud.

Donald is once again surrounded it a blue aura, swirling with electricity and his eyes glow blue. He swipes his staff but Magica evades and delivers a kick to the face but the added power allowed him to gain some resistance. He tries again to bash her with his staff but Magica dodges and Donald barely blocks a knee. He attempts to deliver more electrifying blows only for the dark mage to dodge and block them all, before delivering a couple of right and left hooks, a kick that sends him spinning and then a stronger one from behind that sends him flying and screaming out the smoke.

He bounces and slides across the floor of gold on his back and the electrifying glow suddenly vanishes. Now he lies their completely beaten and senseless near the edge of the money bin.

Webby: Uncle Donald!

Dewey: This is bad! Uncle Donald's getting pulverised!

Huey: It can't be!

Louie: There's no way I'm seeing this…right?

Magica lands on the floor as Donald struggles more than ever to get up. He pants in exhaustion, his body feeing it was ran over by a freight train after the beating he took.

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