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It had been over a year since Valentina stood in her old home, and the memories came flashing in her mind like a wrecking ball through a wall of concrete. 

Nate, finding out she was pregnant with Andrew, Michael choking her for deceiving him, and almost losing her baby Bria. 

She stood in the driveway, her now black straight hair blowing in the wind pulling down her shades. Andrew was on her hips, and she bit her lips. Looking at the massive mansion which only seemed like a prison to her. 

Michael had a sleeping Bria in his arms, and Sylva, Benito, and a few other staff came out to greet them and help with their luggage. 

Sylva ran to her in total awe as she stretched her arms out for Andrew, Valentina handed Andrew over to her. 

"Oh my goodness Valentina, he's beautiful, he looks just like you." Sylva said to her and she smiled. It was true Andrew favoured her just like Bria favoured Michael. 

Sylva started kissing her poor baby on his cheeks, and Valentina hoped she wouldn't think it would be the same like it was when she first came back. 

She remarried Michael on Christmas day, so Bria and Andrew were her responsibility now. Sylva wouldn't be in charge of Bria day to day like she was before. 

They followed the staff inside, and Michael put Bria in her bed. The poor baby always seemed to be too tired after plane rides.


"Well I see you have lost all the baby weight!" Benito said to her while she was in the kitchen no less stuffing vanilla ice cream in her mouth. 

Valentina rolled her eyes at him, and he continued.

"But judging by what you're eating you'll gain it back soon enough." He said with a smirk. She pushed the bowl of ice cream away. 

"What do you want, Benito?" Valentina asked way too annoyed to put up with his bullshit. Andrew was being fussy the whole evening, and finally had fallen asleep. Michael was in a meeting with Krishna, Bria was still asleep and all she wanted to was stuff her face with ice cream, but leave it to Benito to ruin her night.

"Nothing, just trying to figure out how you got two of Michael's second in command killed." She froze and that guilt she felt concerning Nate came rushing back, but she didn't want him to win to see that pain she still held.

"Cause meh pussy good," she with a smile, and Benito's eyes widened and she laughed. 

"Don't let me use it against you," she warned him and he stormed out of the kitchen. 

After a few minutes she heard footsteps, and she thought Benito had returned so she sucked her teeth not looking up from her ice cream.

"Lovely way to greet your husband," she heard Michael's deep voice say. 

"Are you still upset with me?" He asked and looked up at him. His brows were furrowed as he walked closer to her. 

"No, I just thought you were someone else." She told him.

"Expecting company I see," he teased. Valentina was still upset with him about Kiara, but right now when he was surrounded by influential people that could take away her privilege, she needed to be on his side. 

One word from Krishna can cause him to keep her locked away in this prison, or one word from Benito or Sylva.

"No, I thought you were Benito," she said with a smile as he kissed her on her lips. 

"Taste like vanilla," he smiled when he pulled away. She smiled at him and he looked around.

"Where are the babies?" 

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