t h r e e

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The monotonous ringing of the alarm clock woke me up.

I glanced at the calender hung beside my bed. 15th Jan! The first day of school! I jumped off the bed, hurried to the bathroom, had a shower, and slipped on a blue shirt and a yellow skirt. I grabbed my backpack and flew out of the door!

I ran. And reached school right on time. Cherry was standing near the ground, waiting for me. She had outdone herself by wearing a pretty creme top and jeans.

Her hair was braided and she looked beautiful! She always did, Everyone said so!

"Hey Tasha! Tina Walters' lip gloss made her lips swell. You should have seen her! She looked hilarious!!" she cried, hopping towards me.

"Seriously?! Well, I think I know who did that!" looking at her suspiciously as we headed for geography.

"Trust me, I had nothing to do with it", she said, stressing on the 'nothing'.

I glanced at my watch. Half past 8! I was late for Geography! I ran through the corridor. I didn't look around me. All of a sudden, I crashed into someone. I fell, the person fell, my books fell! Oh.. Of all the times!!

I looked up to see who I had bumped into. And I saw those eyes.. Those very eyes!

"Oh, I'm sorry.. Really didn't mean to.." he said, not glancing at me.

He helped picking up my books. I was staring at him the whole time. He looked up at me and seemed quite surprised.

He smiled. "Oh.. It's you.. I'm.." he started.

"I'm late!!" I stammered, clutching on to my bag and running off.

Again! I had seen him again!!

After.. Like an hour or so, I found myself sitting in art class. Art was my favourite subject and I totally lost myself doing it!

That's when the speakers came on. The Principal had a message.

"Miss Tasha Parker of Grade 11, please report to the Principal's office immediately! We have a new student and need your help."

What on earth? Right in the middle of Art class?!

I was chosen to be a student guide at the beginning of the year. This meant that I was to escort any new student around the school.

I got up from my seat reluctantly and headed towards Princi's office.
I knocked the door. "Come in!", a voice said.

I walked into the room and to my surprise the Blue-eyed guy was sitting on one of the chairs in the room. I looked at him. He smiled, I didn't.
I looked at Princi. She smiled and said, "Good mornin' Tasha! Meet Daniel Evans! He'll be joining grade 11 too. But maybe he doesn't have the same subjects as you.. You'll need to guide him around.. And make sure he gets adjusted."

"Daniel, Tasha Parker- Student guide" she continued.

I looked at him. Had to make this fast.

"Mornin' Mr. Evans! Please follow me..", I said trying to sound unirritated.

He stood up and started walking besides me.

In an hour, I had shown him nearly every corner of the school.

"Ok, so you know that the main hall is used for the morning assembly and that to go there, you have to go down the staircase and then turn right and then go through the passage and turn left.. And to go to the washrooms, you have to go down the hall to the left and then take a turn.." I said

"Woah, woah, woah!! Hold on.. Why on earth are you so grumpy? I didn't get a word you said!!" He interrupted me.

"This is what I hate about being a school guide- having to deal with dumbos like you!" I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?" He asked.

"Oh, forget it!", I said waving my hand. "I have to go now.. I've showed you nearly everything! Bye.." I said, turning away.

"B-bye Tasha!" he said cheerfully. "And thanks for all the help!"

Making me feel awful about being so grumpy.


When I look at you..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora