P1 ; Ch1 | "WHO IS THAT??"

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y/n's pov

'put on your sunday clothes there's lots of world out there'

groggily, i tap my belt on the rack it's placed on beside my small bunk. the music stops as i stand up, going to my small area where my food is stored. i can't believe that i haven't ran out of food yet.. but luckily, most of my energy is from solar power, so all i have to do is get power from my solar panels.

i only eat for the taste honestly. i mean, the only thing it does is make me have to go to the bathroom, but other than that it doesn't do anything to me.

anyway, after i ate a bit, i pulled on my regular clothes. my baggy dark gray paints, a yellow-ish orange long sleeve with a sleeveless black top over it; the black top has 'WALL-E' writen on it. i snap my belt on around my waist, and slide on my chunky boots after. then finally, i put my dirty black gloves on and my goggles on my head.

after getting dressed, i quickly brush my teeth and my hair. finally, i'm ready for the day.

i walk past all of my trinkets and things that i've found cleaning up. you won't believe how many cool things i've found here. it is getting kinda boring tho. i want someone to talk to, to be friends with.

anyway, i open the door of the place i call home: a no longer working vehicle, which is actually the perfect size for me.

i step outside, feeling the hot blazing sun on my back, lightly groaning. the planet i call home is a disaster. i'm the only one left to clean, and it's hard. i mean, all the other WALL-E's have died, which leaves me to do all the work. i'm human, well i used to be human. fun, right? i've been doing this for about 700 years now.

i remember the dreadful day when my parents decided to leave on the axium for space, and leave me here to clean up. us WALL-E's were given something so we couldn't die, and everyone on the axiom could come back home.

since it's been many centuries since my parents left, i assumed they were dead. not like i really knew them. i started training since i was seven years old, but they were never around.

so, now i'm here. all alone on a deserted planet. but i try to make it better by staying positive and collecting things i find.

how fun.


after i compressed the last handful of garbage, i see a port-a-potty snug in the mounds of trash. i walk over to it and swing the door open. i look down to see something i've never seen before. it was green with leaves and.. wait! that's a plant!

excitedly, i look around for something to put it in and find an old boot. i squat down and cup it out of the ground with the dirt, placing it into the boot. i did a little happy dance. "yes!" i exclaim with happiness. i cant believe i found a plant!

after a little more work, the sun was setting and i was getting tired. i look over to the mound of trash cubes and see a metal lid in one of the compressed cubes. i grab it and try to pull it out, but the thing is a little difficult. i place another hand on the side to give myself more strength and it came out.

i opened my backpack and slide it in there, zipping it up. looking over to the trash, i see a little cockroach that's probably the size of my pinky. i slide my goggles up on my head and hold out my hand to it. it crawls onto my hand. "aww, you're so cute! i'll name you hal," i say to the cockroach and it sits in my hand.


hal and i are sitting on the opened part of my house looking up to the sky. i sigh, "hal, i wish i had a friend." i look down to my feet.

all of a sudden my goggles start to beep and warn me about a dust storm. here we go again..

i hurry inside and quickly press the button for the door. it closes and i yawn. "let's go to bed, shall we?" i say to hal and he sits. i grab a twinky from my shelf and open it, setting it on my shelf as hal crawls into the cream.

i chuckle and walk towards my bed, taking off all my gear. i lay down and get comfy, "goodnight hal."


the next morning was the same routine. got up, ate, put my clothes and gear on, brushed my teeth and hair.

after i left my house, hal sat on my shoulder while i did stuff for awhile. but while i was working, i saw a red dot on the ground. i don't know what it is, so i'm going to follow it.

it got faster each second it seemed, so i was running, chasing after a red dot like a cat would. hmm.. haven't seen a cat in awhile..

i chased the dot to a very open area just a bit away from the abandoned city. i crouched down and grabbed it. well, tried to grab it. it was a laser. and just as i got up, the ground started rumbling like crazy and i looked up.


running around trying to find somewhere to take cover, i eventually find a tall rock, and slide down it holding my knees to my chest. i hid my head in my arms, hoping it would be over soon.

after a couple of minutes, the smoke and the rumbling stopped. i slowly looked up from my position and stood up. i peeked around the rock to see a spaceship. or something like that..

it had a box thingy out on the ground and a machine typed something into it. after it did that, the long typing thing went back into the spaceship, and the rumbling started again.

i panicked and slide down the rock, going back into the position i was in before.

once again, after the rumbling stopped, i looked up and the smoke was clearing. still scared, i peek my head out from the rock and see someone standing.

who is that?

heyo! i hope you liked the first chapter of my new book! honestly i am so excited about this book omg. i was watching wall-e for the billionth time and thought of this idea! also sorry if it's going a bit fast this chapter, things will slow down i promise lol.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed, tpwk, and i love you <33

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