That one party-Kainora

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First one-shot! This is a modern Legend of Korra Jinora and Kai are older in this one. I own nothing. So, enjoy!
Jinora was dragged by Asami to Korra's party like usual, but this one was different.


Jinora was never the type to go to these kind of parties. Red solo cups everywhere, music blaring everywhere, but Asami dragged her there.

After 30 minutes of that she went outside for some air, she spend some time reading a book on her phone. And then Kai walked up to her.

She knew Kai through Mako and Bolin, but she didn't know him well neither did Kai. But she loves how green his eyes were, and He loves how bright her brown eyes were. But they never got the courage to talk to each other until finally Kai got the courage.

"Hey Jinora can I hang around with you?" he said. "Sure. Why?" "I don't want all those girls throwing themselves at me, so if they see us they'll think we're together." "Okay."

They stood there in awkward silence for a couple minutes until Jinora spoke up. "So Bolin told me that you're going to a film school in L.A. in a couple of months?" Jinora was hoping that he would say no. "Yeah" Jinora's heart broke a little. "So what are you majoring in?" Kai said "Literature actually I'm writing a book right now." "Really? What is it about?" "Its based on my grandparents adventures when they were younger but I added that they lived in a world that people can bend fire, water, earth, and air." "That sounds amazing!!" Jinora blushed at his response.
The rest of the night they talked and laughed about eveything. Until the night ended "So doyouwantgooutsometime?" Kai said blushing. "I thought you'll never ask."

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