chapter 29 ~ 'silenced screams'

Comenzar desde el principio

I try to shake out of Draco's grip but he holds onto me harder.

"Why am I here?" I question, my voice illuminated by hatred as I glare at Aunt Jenna's killer.

"You've been planning something... haven't you?" She whispers in a low voice as she inches towards me.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Draco, tell her what you told me."

"You're planning to kill the Dark Lord."

That fucking snitch.

"He's impossible to kill. How am I meant to do that?" I ask acting clueless, laughing slightly.

"I don't know what you're planning but I heard you talking about it in your dorm!" Draco seethes and Bellatrix cackles evilly.

Why the fuck is he lying?

"You're coming with me!" Bellatrix shouts and digs her long crusty nails into my arm as she drags me down into the dungeons of the Malfoy Manor.

She chucks me across the floor and pulls out her wand. "You're just like your pathetic parents!"

A tear rolls down my cheek as she looks at me with a psychotic smirk across her face and raises her wand. Before I could defend myself, before I could even move, the witch shouts, "Crucio!"

The pain is so intense, so all-consuming, that I no longer remember where I am... hot daggers pierce every inch of my skin and surely my head would bust open in pain; I start to scream, more loudly than I have ever screamed in my life.


Mattheo's POV

I hop out of bed with a smile on my face for once in my life. How can a person  see someone feel so joyful? The Dark Lord's son? A Riddle? This immensely in love? Even I find it hard to comprehend. She's impacted a lot on me... and I'll always appreciate her. I always have and always will.

Since the moment I met her, since our journeys in London, I've known for sure that she's the one, so hopefully she feels the same way. I feel guilty because I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet... and we haven't even been on a proper date.

Yes, the horse ride and all those amazing moments when we were on the run were fantastic... but this time we can be together carefree. That's the fucking feeling I've been longing for since my mother birthed me.

However, my father - correction, Voldemort - must die before my heart can be fulfilled.

I head into the shower and let the cold water pour over me. Last night, I was kind of mad at how horny she left me for a silly girls night but I respected her decision and sulkily dragged myself back to my dorm.

To be honest, I'd never thought I'd see the day where Mattheo Riddle would take no for answer. Only for you, y/n Esmeray.

Now that I'm fully committed to y/n, I couldn't hook up with some random chick to pleasure me like I usually used to do when y/n refused to have sex with me... so last night I had to fucking wank to get rid of my pathetic boner.

𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨 | mattheo riddleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora