Chapter 8 - Come have a cup of coffee with us

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There is this coffee house that Ozumi finds peaceful. It isn't very modern or futuristic looking. It is a classic establishment with the classic old menu. But she has to admit, the owner knows what he is doing. During her stay in the States, Ozumi could never find a decent coffee, despite the fame it has. Only in this humble place she found the true aromas and blends she likes.

There is only one con to this place. The only thing that keeps Ozumi from visiting more often. It is in the same building as the Detective Agency. For this reason, often she finds one or two members of the agency spending time there. In this case, Ozumi normally turns around and comes back later hoping to find it empty. Today is going to be one of those days.

As she approaches the door, immediately she notices the noise and racket of a conversation inside the establishment. Ozumi stops right before the window to the front store and peeks inside. Five members of the Agency, including Dazai, are inside making orders and speaking between each other and the owner. She can't hear what they are saying and neither is she very interested. The coffee aroma coming from inside is luring Ozumi in, to take a seat and act like she doesn't know them. But she has known Dazai for years. He wouldn't just ignore her presence, he would feel the most urgent need to annoy her. Like always, Ozumi wants to avoid those kinds of situations.

She presses the heels on the sidewalk to turn around, however, just before she whirls, Ozumi notices someone else spying the inside of the coffee house. Those red braids fool no one. She would be able to tell it is Lucy from a mile away. The girl doesn't even look up as she turns to go back the same way she came in.

Ozumi imitates her and leaves the premise. She hasn't paid much thought to it, but seeing Lucy there makes her wonder what happened to the other Guild members. She has never seen them ever since Dazai told her about the dismemberment of the Guild. And never sought them. She had no connections or friendships there. But then again, neither did she anywhere else. Not even in the city she was born could she find allies.


The next day, Ozumi tries to visit the coffee house again, a little later than her usual visit, hoping this time she could find some peace and quiet. However, the truth couldn't be further from her expectation.

At arrival, the door is already open, which is unusual and there is no light coming from inside. As she steps in and looks around, the place is completely trashed. Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. The chairs are on the floor, the cushions of the sofas cut open, the white of the cushion showing. Broken bottles and papers over the counter. And, at the end of the room, the Detective Agency stands perplexed. They don't turn around when she comes closer and peeks between their bodies.

They are surrounding something moving, something still alive, but barely on the floor. The smell of coffee mixing with the one of blood. In the dark corner further from the door sits the owner of the coffee house. His breaths are shallow and his fingers are bleeding. She barely hears him mumble the words,

"I'm just glad you're all safe."

The tone of relief in his voice made Ozumi instinctively grit her teeth. Irritation flowing from her as lines of smoke rise from her clenched fists.

"What in hell happened here?"

The room is suddenly quiet with revolt. Not a sound made. And what happens next, Ozumi expected it even less. But the image of the owner's bleeding fingers creeps in her head and now fixated. Those same hands that made her favorite coffee almost daily for the last weeks. She can't keep still. Whoever did this has to pay. And for this time only Ozumi wouldn't mind if she had to team up with the Detective Agency, even though she could do it alone. A silent agreement that both parties would pursue the same goal equally.

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