Thanks For The Meal (smutt)

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You see Karma Akabane had been born something not quite human. His mother, who Nagisa had the honor of meeting once, was a beautiful snow Fae with a cold touch but a surprisingly warm heart. His father, who Nagisa had the displeasure of having met, was a different sort of creature. A brute of a man who ruled over one of the groups of night children, a species that were once human but had met an untimely demise and been granted life again. Though their life was not fully returned to them and they relied on the blood of still living mortals to keep their powerful bodies moving. They received the name of ‘vampires’ from humans and were one of the creatures feared and heated by them.

Luckily Nagisa had never been one to turn somebody away just because of their background, his warmth and kindness extended to everyone resulting in him having quite the interesting group of friends and clientele. The handsome half species before him being one such example, a friend he had before he had even begun his training under his master.

Well… He could normally be called handsome at the very least.

Currently Karma’s face appeared too thin, his cheekbones were much too prominent and his eyes were sunken in with heavy dark circles beneath them. Though his skin was normally pale it was almost white at this moment, a grey tint that made him look sickly and unnatural. The diagnosis was fast.

“Karma… When was the last time you fed?” Nagisa only got a groan in response, Karma’s body lurching forward so he could lean against Nagisa. He barely had the strength to hold himself up, his full body weight pressing heavily into the smaller male.

Nagisa tilted slightly, enough that he could shove his robe off and push the shoulder of his night shirt as far down as he could manage. Kneeling on the ground, Karma nearly on the ground with him with how far he was slumped in his seat, Nagisa grabbed at his chin and forced the chapped lips of the vampire against his neck.

Karma attempted to pull away, but he was so weak Nagisa was easily able to keep his head in place. “Karma don’t give me a hard time right now, you need to drink.” It took a few minutes of Nagisa’s insistence and gentle coaxing to get the vampire to withdraw his fangs and press them into the tender skin of Nagisa’s shoulder.

The awkward position really didn’t allow Nagisa to get Karma into a good angle and Karma wasn’t going to be able to aim for an artery in his state, so the blood he did manage to get was coming at a slow trickle. But at least Karma was drinking something. It was enough to give him some semblance of strength that he was able to lift his head and speak, even if his words still came out harsh and broken.

“C-couldn’t feed for a while… Got in a fight.” His voice cracked, he pushed blue curls out of his way so he could see more of Nagisa’s neck. “With Asano, wasn’t able to hunt for a long time. Last thing I ate was a rat, I’m sorry.” Karma’s fangs sunk in again, this time at a much better point for drawing blood and the stream slipping into his mouth was much steadier then it was were he previously drew from.

Nagisa whimpered clawing at the rippling dark fabric hanging from Karma’s shoulders. Karma’s grip was fierce now, eagerly drawing Nagisa up and closer with each gulp. No longer was he draped, near to deaths door with hunger, but hunched over Nagisa’s body holding him with growing strength. He ripped away with a gasp, a few small drops of blood splattering the area as he stared down at Nagisa with glazed over eyes.

"Nagi..." He panted heavily, his tongue darting out to lick over his lips and taste the traces of blood there. "So sweet..." He drawled heavily, eyes becoming lidded as he leaned into Nagisa’s with a trembling body. Nagisa raised his hand, gently carding his fingers through red-colored tresses. Karma was trembling with the over stimulation, he had been way too drained from the scuffle and it had been too long since he drank human blood. His body was singing with the sudden influx of power and energy he felt, a satisfying high that thrummed through his veins.

𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕤𝕒 𝕆𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora