Cap. 6

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"Stop picking on ShuShu, you brats.", the same voice from before says as the person walks to all of you.

"ShuShu?", you and Luffy say at the same time.

You look at the origin of the voice to see some old-looking man, with big grey air and small circular, black glasses. He was wearing some funny armour.

"Who are you, old man?", Zoro says by your side when the old man stops in front of you two.

"I am the mayor of this town. Who are you, people? Oh my, that's a pretty serious injury...Ummm, you guys were attacked by Buggy? You should see a doctor immediately."

You helped the old man take Zoro to the house by the side of the pet shop.
You two put Zoro laying in a bed in a room.

"Are you a doctor?", you look at the old man, when he asks that to you.
"Unfortunately, I can't help, I'm not a doctor. You see, I just know a little bit about first aid."
"Then we need to take him to a doctor."

"I just need to sleep, old man.", both you and the mayor look at Zoro, who is looking determined to them.

You sigh, you know that he wasn't going to change his mind soon.
...he surely is stubborn.   .-.

After some discussion between Zoro and the mayor. He decides to let Zoro sleep, so you and the mayor go out of the house, back to Luffy and Nami.

As you two are close to them, Luffy asks how Zoro is.
"I said I would take him to a doctor, but he said he'll be fine if he sleeps."

The doggie yawns. How cute.
"This dog's name is ShuShu, right?", you watch as Nami pats the doggie head.

"Haha, just sitting there... What is it doing?", you look at Luffy and notice his grin.

You look at the old man, as he is extremely serious when he answers Luffy's question.
"Guarding the store."

"Guarding the store?"
"Oh, this is a pet food store."
"That's right. This store's owner was a good friend of mine."

As the interaction between Nami and the mayor continued. You watch as the old man ailments the doggie.

"I'm feeding him in his place."
"In his place?
"He died three months ago due to a disease."
"Could it be that it's been waiting for its owner to return?"
"That's what everyone says."

"No. He isn't waiting for his owner.", you say quietly, but all of them have heard and now, are looking at you.
"Why do you say that?", you hear Nami say. You continue to watch the doggie as you answer her.

"He knows that his owner died. He is just protecting something precious to him. Something that reminds him of his owner."

"I think the same", the mayor says. "ShuShu is a smart dog, so he'd know that his master has already died."

"Then, he is guarding this store, because it's precious to him?", Nami asks, as you are now petting the doggie.

"Yes, this is what his master left him with, and that's why he is protecting it. I've tried to move him many times, but he just won't leave this place."

All out of the blue, noises of a big animal coming in the direction where all of you are, was heard.

"What's that roar?!"
"It's him, beast tamer Mohji." 
"What's a beast tamer?"

You stand up from where you previously have sat down. And start walking away from them. Ignoring the discussion between Nami and the mayor.

"Hey! Where are you going?", you hear Luffy call for you, yet, you continue without glancing at him.
"Nowhere, but somewhere."

As you disappear at the corner of the street, you stop there. You can still hear Luffy talking to the doggie and after, to some other man, when the cause of the sound stops in the same place, where Luffy is.

*pin, pin, pin*
why me, seriously...
As you hear the sound, you immediately take a black, small machine off your pocket.

"Where are you?"
A male and irritant voice comes out of the small device.

"Nowhere, but somewhere.", you annoy the other person, saying the same thing you have said to Luffy sometime before.

"Don't make me lose my patience, know your place!"
You laugh, knowing that he was starting to lose his composure.

"...Or do you want to see how close to death they can go?"
You stop laughing, now annoyed.

"Just say, why you have called?", you mutter under your breath, quietly.

"See? That's much better!"
You have sure that he is smirking.



"Have you understood what you need to do right?"


"Good", after that, he ends the call and you start to go on your way to do what you need to do.
I swear to God that I'm gonna kick the ass of that bastard when I can... He'll wish to be dead...

With that, you disappear between the houses while mentality cursing the person that you just talked to.


•time skip•


You jump roof to roof, till you see Luffy, Nami and Zoro, as well, as you see Buggy and his crew. You see that some people are passed out in some of the rubble of some house or something like that.

As you stop on a roof near them, where you can see and hear everything. You notice that Zoro is fighting with a strange guy.

As you see the way the stance guy fights you decide to make your presence known.
Yet you stop as you glance at Zoro.
He is determined to win. Huh?

You see that Nami started walking away so you jump to the ground to where she is.

"They aren't normal, Luffy and Zoro. Nothing good would come out of getting involved with them.", she looks like she's talking to herself.

"Sure they aren't. But I think they are amusing.", you giggle to the face of surprise that Nami makes.

"(Y/n), you scared me!"
"Sorry", you say playfully.

"Are you looking for the map and the treasure of the clown's crew? Do you need help?", you tilt your head to the side, as you look at her.

"How do you know what I'm looking for?", Nami says with a bitter and scared expression on her face.

"Secret!", playfully, you put your hands behind your back and walk a little around her.

"But if you want, that much, to know, I just guessed. After your meeting, it was easy to guess, you know?", you say as you notice her scared expression.

You then walk a little away from her and point in one direction, "it's by that way, I think."

Hesitantly, she follows you.
"Do you want the map and the treasure too?", you laugh and shake your head no.
"I just want to help you to find what you want."

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