"You're so sexy when you get mad." Scott gripped TJ's chin and kissed her hard.

While the rest of the table debated their breakfast choices, Harold said quietly to Mark, "It was Beyond Hell's Reach clubhouse that got shot up sixteen years ago when that young girl got shot and killed. Kavac broke code and messed with a rival gang's bitch. They came after him but the bastard got away. The girl wasn't as lucky."

Mark's grip tightened on his menu. How could the world outside the cafe look so damn bright and beautiful, when under cover of dark rats like Kavac, Bennetti and Albero crawled out of its sewers to taint the view?

"Remember the raid at the Golden Diva nightclub in Northbridge a few years back?" Harold pulled out the ever-present notebook from his pocket and jotted down a few notes. "The one that put one of our guys on desk duty with smashed kneecaps."

How could he forget? Mark hadn't been there. At the time he was working a case in Williams in the Western Australian wheat belt-another life, another time, another case too close to his family for comfort. His bastard brother-in-law had owed the owners of the Golden Diva money for his gambling debts. If only he'd known at the time that Albero and Bennetti were the sharks he owed, Mark could have taken care of them years ago. Then Lily and Luke wouldn't have gone through what they had.

"I remember. It happened at the same time that arsehole kidnapped my niece and took her to Williams."

Harold nodded. "Kavac and Beyond Hell's Reach again."

"We have to get them off the streets, Harold. Before we lose any more lives. We'll have to talk to the Capelli boy when we get back. Maybe he knows something the others don't. The last thing I want is for these three boys to end up back on the gang, and you know bastards like Kavac never give up. The only way we can truly save these kids and keep them alive is to put those wankers away for life."

"No argument there. Now that we agree, let's put all this shit behind us for another day. It'll keep until we get back. Might be an idea to tighten security around the Capelli boy, though. I'll check with Ethan and see if he's had enough of desk duties now his knees have healed. That counselling course he did might come in handy." Harold ran his finger down the menu, stopping at the Cafe Nix Big Breakfast. "Now there's a dish to fill a man's stomach."

"Make it two."

The waitress came back to take their order and it wasn't long before conversation at the table died to make place for the clatter of silverware against porcelain, and appreciative hums.

Half an hour later, Harold sat back and rubbed his belly. "I swear that meal was better than sex."

Jeannie punched his arm.

"What was that for?" He aimed for a hurt expression but failed miserably. He adored his wife, even when she glowered.

"Where should I start?" Jeannie smirked and counted his sins on her fingers. "One, if food is better than sex, you're not doing it right. Two, after young Marty just got in trouble for pinching the waitress' arse, I'm wondering where he got the idea from..." She eyed him meaningfully. "Three..." Jeannie trailed off as a petite woman with dark curly hair and watchful eyes approached their table.

She stopped and stood opposite Mark. "Hi, I'm Nix, the cafe owner. How were your meals?" A chorus of satisfaction whipped around the table. "Excellent, exactly what I like to hear. Now, a little birdie told me there's a fair bit to celebrate at this table, so-compliments of the house-I'd like to present you with a bottle of our finest champagne. Tamsin will be over shortly with some glasses. And this time, young man..." She looked at Marty. "Please keep your hands on the table? I'm sending out my best crystal champagne flutes for this toast. I'd hate for Tamsin to drop them."

Everyone at the table spoke at once.


"What are we celebrating?"

"Someone getting married?"

"Marty, did you score a date?"

"What? No!"

Mark held up his hand to silence them as the waitress unpacked the glasses from her tray around the table. With skilled finesse, she popped the cork on the champagne bottle and filled each glass. As she walked away, Mark stood.

"We do have a lot to celebrate. Marty, Luke...you guys have come a long way since you led TJ in a race across the city to save your butts. It's been a tough ride but you kept your word and stuck with the program. I'm proud of you, guys." He raised his glass to the two boys and the others followed. "To Marty and Luke."

When the echoes died down, he looked at TJ and Scott, and raised his glass again. "To Tiny, the legacy he left behind and the two people who embraced it to open their home to others like him. Cheers."

He had to wait a while to continue as Marty leapt up, ran around the table and hugged TJ and Scott so hard they gasped for breath. He shook his head. So different from the drug-addicted, troubled boy TJ had first taken in.

"Lily?" Mark put down his glass, held out his hands and drew her to her feet. His heart pounded against his ribs. "When I first met you, I was reminded of an angel. With each step we took, I watched you grow stronger, stand taller. That day up in Kalgoorlie, when you faced down one of the most wanted drug dealers in the west, I knew I couldn't lose you, that I would fight with my last breath to keep you safe and in my life." He tipped up her chin and looked deep into those green eyes he adored. "Lily, I love you so much. Will you marry me?"

"Yes," she whispered without hesitation.

As cheers broke out around the table, he took her in his arms and kissed her, taking his time to enjoy the taste of champagne on her lips, the gentle nudge of her tongue and the sweetness of her mouth. No rush...he had her for the rest of his life.

When he lifted his head, he saw Marty running around the restaurant, waving people to their feet as they joined in, clapping and cheering.

"See that?" Marty yelled proudly. "That's my family."

Mark's heart swelled with pride. He'd do all he could to protect his family. All he had to do was overcome one last hurdle. Beyond Hell's Reach.

Mark and Lily's story is told in Under Cover of Dark, Book 2 of the Tag Raiders Series by Juanita Kees

A new Australian romantic suspense, it follows Under the Hood, about a Western Australian drug gang, the teenagers they recruit, and the cop who wants to bring them down.

When Mark Johnson delves deeper into his investigation into the murder of Tiny Watts and the involvement of a teenage gang with sleazy lawyer, Gino Bennetti, and his drug world ties, the last thing he expects is to be interviewing Gino's widow, a woman in a world of trouble.

When her husband is shot and killed, it is both a relief and a disaster. Lily has her son to protect and secrets that run deeper than the scars she bears. Mark Johnson is the last person she wants uncovering those secrets, especially the truth about her son Luke's involvement in Tiny Watts' murder.

As the investigation continues and Lily's wounds begin to heal, she finds the detective easy to trust and the friendship between them blossoms into more. But the secret Lily holds places everyone in very real danger. When it is finally revealed, Lily could lose everything: her son, the man she's grown to love, her freedom, and her life.

It Happened at Cafe Nixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें