With a small gurgle of surprise, (Y/n) felt a heavy weight flump down into their arms. An invisible cloud of cedar and smoke wafted into their nose, creating a hypnotizing aroma that nearly made them close their eyes in satisfaction.

But they had bigger problems on their hands.


"Why hello there." A honey sweet voice invaded (Y/n)'s senses. It was attractive that the way gold was to thieves. Tantalizing, yet a dangerous offer to accept. It made her weak in the knees. Which was unfortunate, considering she was holding another person in her skinny arms.

(Y/n) flickered her eyes down below, blowing a few stray strands of hair out of her vision reverently to get a better look at this new person.

What she was not expecting was to see an unacceptable attractive man splayed out in her arms with a haughty smirk. A toothpick rested in between his plump cherry lips and white teeth; bite marks littered around the sides randomly. A woodsy brown trench coat and velvet red beanie complemented his complexion brilliantly. So did the chocolate ringlets that fell in his eyes as if he was a corrupt angel that had fallen from heaven. What tied it all together in a nice neat bow was the bone white streak of hair peeking out of his cap with an air of rebellion.

His eyes sparkled up at her own ones with the confidence of a man that had already died once and was not afraid of doing it again.

If only (Y/n) knew how right she was.

(Y/n) repressed her urge to blush like a mad woman and stutter incomprehensibly at his face. She was a strong independent woman that needed to fall to the feet of no one. At least, that's what she told herself.

"Why don't you stand me up daring." The unnamed man purred. His hands rested behind his head while she continued to hold him. "It might be a bit easier for you after all."

(Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows in an attempt to look peeved with his action, but it came out more as a pout.

"Get up yourself idiot." She mumbled weekly. In the midst of debating whether or not to drop him on his undeniably good looking ass, he hoisted himself up.

"You've got fire in you, huh? I like that doll."

He dragged a finger from the base of her forehead down to the tip of her nose while talking. It left a feeling of ice cold fire in her veins. The urge to shiver overcame (Y/n) as she struggled to remain eye contact.

"There's a thing called personal space you know. We're in a bookstore, maybe you should look it up." (Y/n) slapped his hand away reluctantly. His smirk tilted downwards a bit at the rejection.

He cleared his throat, straightening up with a more serious expression.

"My apologies." (Y/n) had to do a double take at such a change of moods. "I did not mean to unnerve you my dear." He smoothed out his clothes as he spoke, sounding way to formal for someone who had practically hardcore flirted with her.

"It's fine." (Y/n) went to say. At her words, his smile had returned, however now a tad more genuine.

"Let's start over. My name is Wilbur." He bent down in an over dramatic way. (Y/n) let out a chuckle.

"Nice to meet your acquaintance Wilbur. What brings you all the way out to this place?"

Wilbur looked up from his bow. He took the both of his hands and grabbed (Y/n)'s own. Bringing his lips down to her skin, he kissed it teasingly.

"What's not to say you, love?" He smirked into her skin. (Y/n) sputtered and froze. Wilbur continued to place kisses along her arm which honestly would have been creepy if she didn't find him so damn attractive.

Damn you hormones.

"That's highly doubtful." (Y/n) said. Although this time her voice was a lot higher than her normally bubbly tone. Wilbur took note of this, pulling away and fixing his glasses that had slipped down his nose.

"Your layer of blush says otherwise." Wibur stifled a laugh with yet another sly grin. (Y/n) gritted her teeth. Mentally cursing herself, she attempted to calm down.

"Have a happy holiday, little flower. Ta ta." He said with a wave, suddenly leaving her in the dust. His tall figure had disappeared behind her line of vision swiftly after that small ordeal. It was over so quick, (Y/n) had to convince herself that their encounter with the hauntingly beautiful stranger was real.

Looking down at her hand that he had kissed with a silent awe, (Y/n) forced her limbs to move forward and out of the store. Cracking open the door weakly, she released the breath she had been holding for a couple minutes. The air came out with visible steam from the colder climate. About as cold as you could get in the desert I mean.

Staring at her hand once more, (Y/n) buried her face in her shirt and groaned.

Yep. She was definitely going back there more.


Two updates in one day??? Who even am I

This was as shit as it could be in my opnion, but Beep told me to publish it. I didnt proof read this mf at all, but Im so tired from watching a Karl stream last night I dont care.

Time to burn myself out and then procrastinate on my ECEC finals by watching Camp Camp /srs

1506 words


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