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Niall always flirted with Louis, ever since he started his assistant job he had been making moves on him and being continuously rejected. He didn't mind though, Louis playfully bantered with him often because of it.

Louis watched the taller man giggle and lean against the wall of the elevator. A moment later the elevator made a 'ding' noise before sliding open.

Louis quickly walked out of the elevator, Niall trying to follow but trailing slightly behind. He didn't know the hallways as well as Louis did. Had only been an assistant here for a few weeks.

They went into the Administrative Office, meeting the chief examiner who was waiting for them. It wasn't often they were called in early, so Louis knew it had to be because of a murder. That fact made him swallow hard as they entered.

"Doctor Tomlinson. Mr. Horan." Julie Marshall, the chief examiner,  greeted them both with nods.

"Hello, Doctor Marshall." Niall said simply.

"Good morning, Doctor Marshall. What are we dealing with today?" Louis asked his boss and placed his Manila folders and files on his desk. He then went to the sterilization station.

"Unfortunately we have two sets of remains for you to examine. The only thing we can tell so far is that they were both somehow bludgeoned to death. Basically crushed." She explained as she put her curly hair into a hair tie.

Louis nodded as he finished sterilizing his hands. When he was finished, he put on a pair of rubber gloves. He never looked forward to murder examinations.

Of course Louis was very used to separating his emotions from the examinations as well as the surgical procedures, because he had to be in order to do his best work. But with murder victims it was just much harder for him.

Niall sterilized himself as well before they all went into the examination room that contained the two 'bodies', although they barely even looked like bodies due to whatever crushed them. More like mashed potatoes of blood, skin and bones.

Niall grimaced slightly, and felt a bit disappointed in himself for not being used to viewing this stuff.

They stood around and examined the bodies for a bit in silence, until Louis set down the scalpel he was using and spoke,  "Due to the angle of the fractures in the bones, both victims were hit repeatedly with something heavy and rectangular shaped. Like a brick."

Louis saw Niall shudder as he wrote down what the doctor was saying in the examination notes. Louis turned to Doctor Marshall and saw her nod. "It appears you are right. Examining the angle of the skin abrasions, it seems clear that the murder weapon had to be either a brick or some sort of dense block of perhaps.. cement." Marshall grabbed her tweezers and began to pull tiny pieces of something out of the skin abrasions.

Niall wrote down what the chief examiner just said as well, and then someone walked into the room as he finished the notes. When the blonde pathology assistant looked up his blue eyes met with beautiful secure chocolate brown ones.

"Hello Doctor Louis Tomlinson, Doctor Julie Marshall." The tall and muscular brunette gave them nods as he greeted them.

"Good morning, Payne. This is Doctor Tomlinson's assistant Niall Horan, he's a medical student on apprenticeship." Doctor Marshall introduced Niall quickly.

Liam looked at the blonde with a slight smirk, "Name is private investigator Liam Payne, good morning Mr. Horan."

Niall cleared his throat and smiled slightly. "Good morning, sir." He tried to sound professional.

"Don't tell me you found another body." Louis quickly said to Liam, letting out a sigh when he saw Liam frown.

"I won't say it. But we did." The PI admitted kind of sadly. "Three bodies mean we're looking for a serial killer. The CEO of our company said we were called onto this case by the Criminal Investigation Department. We're the closest professional investigators, and the families of the victims were adamant it be the Styles Systematic Security office that investigates this case."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, he had worked with private investigator Payne many times before, but the company he worked for had never investigated a serial killing case. At least not while Louis had been working here.

"You seem surprised Doctor Tomlinson." Doctor Marshall commented.

"It's just that I haven't been here during a time that their company has investigated this type of case." Louis said and then shrugged slightly, "It makes sense, the company is precise."

Liam nodded, "And the CEO takes these cases extremely seriously when we do have to deal with them. He gets heavily involved. Styles is with the crime scene investigators and the newly found body as we speak. You will probably be seeing him when the body is preserved correctly and brought in for autopsy."

Doctor Julie Marshall nodded at Liam, and they then thanked him for the heads up before he had to head back out to the crime scene.

Louis couldn't help but feel slightly nervous, because he had never met the CEO, but had heard things about him being harsh on others in the field to teach them lessons.

Believe it or not Louis and Liam were closer than most people knew. They sometimes sat in the lab together during late nights that Louis had to continue examinations and Liam had to investigate and gain details on the autopsy.

Louis and Liam had also been out for drinks a couple of times after the tougher cases that didn't turn out the way they should've. When Liam was drunk he acted like he was on truth serum, and talked a lot about his boss Styles.

"I am now going to head into the other lab room and do tests to determine what these pieces are that were found in the skin." Doctor Marshall said, before she took the preservation container with the pieces in it and left the room.

"That was the hottest investigator I've seen yet." Niall swooned over Liam as soon as Julie had left the room.

"Looks aren't what's important right now, Mr. Horan." Louis flashed him a look as to tell him to remain professional, but couldn't hold back a tiny amused smile.

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