Chapter 2- The New Recrutes

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He and Averman just happened to walk out at the same time. " Averman, please don't screw this up." I said pleadingly.

"Why? He seems fine right now?" Connie responded.

"That's Dean Portman he kick his butt if he says something wrong." I said while watching them.

"Is that a tattoo?" "Is it real?" Averman asked.

"Get away from me." He commanded.

"Y-yes, sir" Averman said then waited a bit to look at the tattoo. Portman was obviously annoyed. I don't know why, but he barked at him.

"Hey where are Guy, Jesse, and Fulton?" I questioned.

"I don't know." Everyone except Charlie said in unison. We then heard a crash.

"That's probably where. We need to check on them!" I demanded.

"They're probably fine." Charlie scoffed.
We all went to check on them. Yes, they ended up being okay but that's not the point the point is Charlie is being rude today and I don't know why.

Bombay had us tied in a circle. We definitely weren't happy about it.

"Somebody better watch their hands!" Julie said.

"Oh sorry, Julie, that was me." I replied.

"Ewww someone licked me." Averman cried.

"Eww I smell something." Banks said.

"Goldberg!" Everyone exclaimed.

"It wasn't me!" He said defensively.

"You're right it was me!" Dean said.

"Dean, that's nasty stop." I stated.

"I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team! You're gonna win this thing. You're gonna have to work as one. Now, as one skate." Bombay said. We all started to try to skate together but we fell down, multiple times.

"Everyone goes there own way everyone falls down. Now, get up and try it again." He commanded.

"Everyone move to your right!" Dean insisted.

"Who made you boss? Everyone move to the left!" Fulton exclaimed. We did and we fell down. Shocker.

"You guys can argue all you want, but I'm not untying you until you move as one." Bombay stated. We actually ended up doing it

"Now you're doing it! Communication that's it! Work together, move together! Chargeeee! Alright, right turn. Okay, that's it, that's it. Nice work, Charlie!" He said proudly.

Nice work, Charlie?! I said in my mind. Yes, of course, nice work, Charlie. He always gets all the credit. For everything he does or doesn't do if it's good.

He sat us down then grabbed a lasso and started talking "Im proud of you team. You're starting to look like hockey players. We worked hard today, but hockey should also be fun. Rancher Dwayne?"

"Yes, sir." Dwayne said.

"Round me up some stay cattle there." Bombay told him.

Dwayne hesitated for a minute then said "My pleasure!" Finally something fun. We all got up and started skating around the ice. He first lassoed Averman. Bombay blew his whistle and called Averman out. He then lassoed Charlie, Bombay did the same for him. He lassoed Julie. Then we all started dancing because dance party why not!

Once We all got back and I saw Charlie I was nervous, and happy to talk to him because I hadn't seen him all day hardly, I don't think he felt the same way I did. When I asked him what was wrong he said "Nothing." harshly and continued to talk to Fulton and Guy. My e/c eyes started to burn so I got away from them pretty quickly and went to go find Connie.


"I saw the way Y/N looked at Mendoza. She just try's to act like it didn't happen later. I don't get it Guy you said she liked me." I said sadly to Guy mostly and Fulton because he was there. "Did you see her eyes when you hardly talked to her?" "Well no but I wasn't focused on that I was angry at her." I said "So what she's your crush, best friend for what like 8 years? And your teammate." Guy told me confronting me "Also Connie said that she talks about you a lot and about how she really likes you, but she thought you didn't like her because you just acted like her friend and not anything else." Guy said answering me quietly.

"Remember last year when I said you should go for it before it's too late and you asked me how to find out when it's too late?" Guy asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked questioning Guy. "I think this is the time where it's a bit too late." Guy said very obviously. "Wow, Guy I didn't know that, but thanks for telling me I really appreciate it!" I said sarcastically. "Okay, okay, no need to be all sarcastic I was just saying. But I'll help you out and if anyone caught her eye she'll tell Connie. I'm positive she will." Guy added picking up his bag and walking out before I could thank him.

How are you guys feeling about the story so far? Also sorry for not updating two tonight, but tomorrow night i might make up for it if I can figure out what to write.

Just tell me who you think we will end up with and stuff like that!

★stay gold★

♡tough love♡  charlie conway, luis mendozaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin