the planning

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(My art )
Mineta POV
after the confession I decided to ask denki on a date so I went downstairs and realized everyone was still sleeping so I went to the kitchen and see what to cook for the kids and "dad did we get another dad" koshi said I started to blush "umm yes you did anyways what you want for breakfast" I said "I want fluffy pancakes" koshi said

Denki pov
Yes I'm dating mineta wait I'm dad so I can teach them guitar 🎸 😊 I can't wait for Father bonding with them and I relate to them in stuff and oh my the sex I could have with mineta oh alot shit I should stop or will get a boner I going to ask mineta to a date yes *denki got out the shower* I went down stairs and saw pancakes in the kitchen yummy I saw mineta with an apron oh God my future husband I went behind him and turned him around and kissed him and I saw the kids on the table Oops well there where going to find out eventually Kira was glaring at me and I don't know  what I did wrong

(Late post I'm sorry I ran out of ideas but know I have more you should check out my other story )

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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