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Here's the thing, this is just for fun, meaning I am not that serious about it but I'll publish a chapter at least twice a month cause of this hell hole called school, yup school :,)

There will be some KiyoYachi cause lesbians <3
(I am a lesbian btw so don't take that the wrong way 💀) feel free to give me ideas for small one-shots between every chapter (can be any ship, mostly PREFER rare ones) the chapters will be based on a song, so you can listen to that song to set the mood 😏😏😏 (there will be no sexualizing characters unless it's a time skip those emojis are just to make it funny or something idk)

Don't refer to me as Author or I'll lose it, May is my name, so feel free to use it.

Lastly- this might be surprising (not at all) but English is not my first nor second language 😱
(act shocked right now or else 🙄) grammar is NOT my thing :,) you guys are allowed to correct me and I will appreciate it too.


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