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(A/N) Greetings. How's everyone been lately?


Ryan: What are you implying about my baking skills?

Jack: That they're non-existent.

Ryan: Wow, I didn't think it was possible to be as rude as you're being right now.

Jack: And I didn't think it was possible to barbeque brownies so I guess we're all learning. 


Jack: Y'know what I was thinking?

Ryan: Hm?

Jack: If your leg gets cut off, would it hurt?

Ryan: Well, yeah.

Jack: How though?

Ryan: 'Cause your leg got cut off!

Jack: Where are you gonna feel the pain?

Ryan: In your leg-

Jack: EXACTLY! How you gonna feel the pain.....

Ryan and Jack: If your leg is gone?!?

Adam: *sobs*


(Happy Pride)

Person: How many genders are there?

Ryan: I don't know, I just got here.

Jack: However many you want!

Adam: Gender is a social construct.


Adam: Your ribs are broken.

Jack: That must be why it hurts when I laugh.


Chris: You people have issues.

Adam: Well, of course I have issues!

Adam, pointing to Jack who is seeing how loud he can scream into the microphone: That's my freaking brother!


Jack: Why's Ryan hiding from Joe?

Adam: They went to school together and now Ryan's embarrassed that Joe has a great career and he doesn't.

Jack: And what about you? Aren't you embarrassed?

Adam: I don't even know Joe.

Jack: No, I mean like in general.


(Front of the car is dangerously hanging off a cliff)

Adam: Oh my god! Ryan back it up!

Jack: Don't be ridiculous, with his dumptruck of an ass we'll all be killed if he backed it up.

Adam, on the verge of tears: Oh, F*CK OFF.


Jack: *satanic sound*



Adam: That was a f*cking sneeze?!

AJR Incorrect Quotes 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora