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-House Karthmere is an ancient house of Westeros, recalled as the greatest warrior house of all time. For 5,000 years, House Karthmere has destroyed any and all that have attempted to attack them.  Of this house, there are some that stem much higher above the rest:

[B.C. = Before Conquest]

5,000 B.C.

Shiva Karthmere: Commonly known as Shiva the destroyer, Shiva traveled to Westeros with those of his house, landing and settling in the area now known as the Crownlands. 5,000 years ago, however, These lands were fought for between River Kings of the Riverlands, Storm Kings of the Stormlands, and even smaller Petty Kings. None knew what they were getting into, for any that attempted to attack House Karthmere, were utterly destroyed by Shiva. The Higher kings, like those of the River and Storm lands, had to be made an example of. So, Shiva would have them publicly executed, in a form known as the 'Blood Eagle' execution. Because of this and his level of skill as a warrior, most would go on to refer to Shiva, as 'Shiva the Destroyer'

Shiva was known for having split hair, half of it black as a starless night, the other a silver blond. Some recalled he had a single golden yellow eye on the blackened hair side of his face, while the other eye was a beautiful amethyst purple. Some say Shiva's mother was a Targaryen, thus responsible for his silver blond hair and amethyst purple eye.

4,900 B.C.

Fafnir Karthmere: Being the great grandson of Shiva Karthmere, many had expectations of Fafnir when he was young, but at an early age, he proved them all how great he would be. Unlike most Karthmere's, Fafnir's hair was mostly a silver blond, like those of Valyria. In battle, he was known to have his own pack of blood thirsty tigers. Some believed he could control these tigers through their minds. The families of past kings Shiva had killed, after a hundred years, turned for revenge. The Kings of the River and Storm lands, the same kings that fought for the lands, teamed up and attacked House Karthmere. At this point, Karthmere Keep was surrounded by water, which had been manually dug, leading to the close rivers and eventually, up to the Narrow Sea. Fafnir and House Karthmere pushed back the Kings and their forces, forcing them to retreat. While the keep is surrounded by water, those waters are surrounded by dense forests, which Fafnir used to his advantage. Fafnir's tiger pack and hit-and-run teams slithered through the forests, attacking any chance they got, before none of the armies were left, save for the Kings and their generals. Some recall that when Fafnir stared at the kings dead in the eyes, he seemed to have the eyes of a destructive beast...a dragon. For these reasons, he was referred to in history, as 'Fafnir the Striped Dragon'

3,000 B.C.

Derron Karthmere: 2,000 years after the times of Shiva the Destroyer and Fafnir the Striped Dragon, those that followed after them were regarded as weak and incompetant rulers of Karthmere Keep, the castle of the house built long ago during the age of Shiva Karthmere. Eventually, a boy would be born, named Derron. By the time he was of age, he was regarded as a great warrior, with a very intellectual mind to use alongside that skill in combat. Having to witness for years how other lords and kings mocked his house, Derron would seek his own form of revenge. Once he was named Lord of Karthmere Keep, Derron turned his eyes on the Kings and Lords who laughed at them, and utterly destroyed them. After such actions, the next Kings and Lords would seek their own vengeance, but none expected the strength Derron would bring to House Karthmere. This house alone was able to raise thousands upon thousands of soldiers, a larger army than any King had ever seen before. Any who attempted to attack, would be pushed back time and time again. Since his time, House Karthmere would forever hold the largest and strongest armies of any kingdom or house of Westeros. For his efforts and the strength he gave to his house before he passed, he would be commonly known as 'Derron the Peerless' 

1,000 B.C.

Lauryn Karthmere: Another 2,000 would pass before Lauryn Karthmere would be named Lady of Karthmere Keep, after a King of the Westerlands, a King of the House Lannister, murdered her brother after he had been given guest rights by the Lannister King. Much like those before her, Lauryn sought revenge for her fallen brother, and declared War against this Lannister King. This King was arrogant, and did not believe a single house would be able would be able to take on the entirety of the Westerlands. From lord to lord, Lauryn led House Karthmere through the Westerlands, defeating any lord who got in her way. Eventually, Casterly Rock, the castle of House Lannister, was all that was left. House Karthmere easily defeated the army of the Lannisters, but Lauryn sought to go further. Lauryn and her men stormed the castle, and put half of the entire house to the sword. Half of what was left were said to be injured or near death. It is said that lauryn warned the King of the Westerlands, that if he went after her family and house again, she would return to destroy House Lannister perminently. Because of such action, she was now known in history, as 'Lauryn the Dreaded'

Aegon's Conquest

Dreyar II Karthmere: Named after the brother of Lauryn the Dreaded, Dreyar, second of his name, was hoped to be much more grand that his namesake. During his time as lord, the famous Aegon Targaryen, later known as 'Aegon the Conqueror' set his sights on Westeros, and sought to take all of the continent for himself. Dreyar proved to have a very tactical mind, able to think up so many strategies to use against the Targaryens. Whereas Dorne as a whole was able to off the Targaryens as a whole kingdom, House Karthmere was the only other house of any other land that held off the Targaryens. It was only after Aegon Targaryen held six of the seven kingdoms, did Dreyar stop the fighting. Some say that Aegon the Conqueror respected Dreyar for his strategic mind, that he declared him 'Dreyar the Tactician' a title he would hold through history. 

House Karthmere

House Colors: Black and White

Sigil: A white tiger body with a gold eagles head on a black background.

House Words: Never Conquered, Forever Feared

Karthmere Keep: A large fortress made of pure black stones, surrounded by a moat that connects to the Narrow Sea and dense forests. Since the days of Aegon the Conqueror, the halls of this keep have been said to be extremely hot.

Eagle: While most houses have been known to have their ancestral blades, House Karthmere houses an ancestral battle axe. A two-sided battle axe that most Lords of the house have been known to single handedly wield.

Noticable Features

Black hair and golden colored eyes for those who were full-blooded Karthmere's, but those born through mulitple houses have certain parts that stand out.

Known for having markings across their bodies, mostly involving their house. (Almost tribal like tattoos for reference, but more Norse like, since that's where my main inspiriration comes for House Karthmere)


Thought back on this story, and decided I wanted to make some changes to it. Things that would hopefully make the story better. For the most part, originally, I was basically going to follow canon until a certain part was reached. Now, I wanna add and change things. This does mean chapters will be slow, considering I'll have to think up these new additions, but I believe they'll be worth it. 

Being honest, I'm not the best when it comes to battles, at least the kind we see in Game of Thrones. Still, I'll do my best. If there are people who have information that could help me, then I'd be glad to hear them. Anything to help this story be better. I'm also not very knowledgable when it comes to the original books written by Martin himself, so if there's information there that'll help as well, then I'm all for it.

If you're willing to come with me on this journey, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. But for now...

That's it, be safe ya'll!

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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Game of Thrones - The Blood Eagleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें