What is a skinwalker?

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Short story!!

 Skinwalkers are one of the mainstays in Navajo tradition and is a big legend. They are a class of outcast criminals that practice black magic, and are said to have the ability to shape-shift into any animal, into a human or of their choosing.

Skinwalkers can shapeshift into wwhatever they want to be, like human and animals. But they mosty show themselfs as coyotes, wolfs, foxes, owls, eagles or crows.

The history of skinwalkers

It is belived that Skinwalkers are witches that evolved from living as spiritual guides & respected healers, but they decided to use their powers for evil purposes. 

Skinwalkers are said to appear slightly larger with over-sized animal footprints, disproportionate and and some Skinwalkers may have red/yellow glowing eyes.

It is also belived that when they're in human form they can use their various potions and spells to sicken and kill the people around them.

Why are they dangerous?

Skinwalkers usually gather in secluded places, or dark caves. It is also said that they sometimes commit cannibalism, incest, necrophilia with female corpses and grave robberies. 

You just have to say 1 word to get to see them. Just say the word 'Skinwalker' outloud. VERY DANGEROUS TO DO.  When the Skinwalkers 'spawn' they can go naked wearing old beaded jewerly or just shapeshift into animal forms. The skinwalker can choose what animal he/she want to turn into, based of their abilities like sopeed, endurance, strenght, claws, teeth and stealth. 

Does the Skinwalkers do black magic?

Yes! Very much black magic. Skinwalkers are said to have powers like reading other people's mind, controlling thoughts, causing illnesses or even death, and destroying peoples property

People who have spoken outloud about them also have said that they could sense a Skinwalker is near them. Skinwalkers make noices around houses like banging on the walls, knocking on windows and scratching sounds. But they also can make noices alike to human screams or animal screams, but they're different. They sound a little bit weird. And sometimes they even show up in front of cars, hoping to cause accidents so the people in it die, or just get a hard injury.

When they've shape-shifted into animals they can even control other animals. They are also known for pulling spirits of the dead and reanimate the corpses to attack the skinwalkers enemies. They can also take possession of human bodies if the victims lock eyes with them. And once they have the control over their bodies, the skinwalker can make the victims do or say yhings that they otherwise would not.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions :)

Written by Swaggyyeer

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