Chapter 5: Maidens of Castle Dimitrescu

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     Mark's brows furrowed and his closed eyes slowly peeled open, a quiet groan escaping his lips. The peace was short lived, his heart nearly leaping out of his chest when his vision had focused. Before him were multiple unfamiliar faces peering uncomfortably close to his. With a startled yelp, he sprang upright in the bed, grasping the blanket tight around him. He wasn't the only to react as such, his surprise catching the young women who'd been observing him off guard, gasping and squeaking in surprise, taking swift steps away from him.

     "W-what is the meaning of this!?" Mark exclaimed, still disoriented and red faced, not expecting to have woken to a bunch of women watching him sleep

     The women all bowed their heads in apology as one replied, "F-forgive us, sir! We've simply come to fetch you for breakfast. We... did not mean to disturb you."

     Mark was quick to notice the hint of fear in her voice. He hadn't meant to come across so roughly, especially if it was just a misunderstanding.

     "No need to apologize. I apologize for reacting as I did, and I appreciate your concern to come inform me. I'll be ready in a few minutes," Mark said reassuringly, hoping the tense maids would relax some.

     The women hadn't expected such a reply, their bowed heads rising back up and most of their cheeks pigmented. Mark honestly believed each young woman to be uniquely quite beautiful even with their range in facial features, skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors. It seemed how they were born genetically was all that stood out about them, as they were dressed and styled identically, from their hair pinned up in buns to the tips of their shiny black shoes. These must be the staff Lady Dimitrescu mentioned, Mark noticing the distinct maid attire. 

     While Mark turned his gaze to rub away the last bits of sleep in his eyes, the maidens observed the man before them almost hypnotically, like a wonder they'd never seen. He stifled a yawn with his other hand when he noticed the maids had remained standing as they had been. Was there something he was missing? Was he meant to dismiss them, perhaps? Overall, the air began to feel heavy with awkwardness the longer this went on.

     "Um... was there something else?" Mark inquired.

     The maidens seemed to snap back into prim and proper as they took their cue to file out of the room. Mark remained in his bed, waiting for all the women to make their way out of the room so he could change. Change! That's right!

     "U-um! Excuse me!" Mark hastily called, the maiden who'd spoken before turning back round. 

     "Yes, sir?" she awaited, standing straighter than straight.

     "My bags. Are they-"

     "To your left, sir. They were brought in while you were sleeping. The washroom will be out the hall to your right and through the first door to the left," the maiden answered promptly and turned to make her leave.

     The door clicked shut, and Mark was left alone. To the maid's credit, his belongings were just where she said, and she'd even been decent enough to give him directions to the bathroom. Thank goodness. Sliding out of bed, his bare feet met the expensive Persian carpet as Mark made his way over to his bags to fetch some clothes and other such things he'd need. However, as he unzipped the bags...

     "What the- What on earth!? Where's my stuff!?" Mark exclaimed.

     He dug through each of his bags, finding there to be more and more items missing, especially his items of value. 

     "Where are my rings!? And my pocket watch!? My favorite undershirt too!?" Mark gasped with utter disbelief.

     He couldn't believe he'd been robbed right under his nose. It was clear, whoever this thief was wasn't very smart. It was like they didn't even care if he noticed or not. It had to have been those maids. Why else had they been snooping his room while he was sleeping? But he hadn't seen them carrying anything and most of their hands were folded in front of them... This was just getting weirder and weirder. However, one thing was certain. Mark wouldn't allow this to slide. He'd get all his possessions back or there would be serious compensation for this. He made a mental note to discuss this as soon as possible with the lady of the castle. Swiftly taking what he needed to the washroom, he was quick to wash up, change into a new pair of clothes, and fix himself up. 

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