"You can't jump to conclusions about anyone else especially future girlfriends of yours" "Deal i'm just glad i'm not holding you back from following your heart Tony really likes you and I can tell you really like him, he's been holding back on his feelings just because we were together" he finishes just as the doors open to the Medbay floor. "Thanks for telling me" you say. You thought to yourself trying to figure out how he knew you liked Tony. Was it really that obvious that you liked him. You thought to yourself.

You walked down the hallway to the main area and saw Clint standing in the hallway along with Sam. They both had huge smirks on their faces. You were confused why but you said a quick hello and welcome back home to them as you walked past. Only to hear Sam yell back "You better go get yo man" followed by Clint laughing. All you could do was turn and chuckle at them on the floor laughing. "But seriously though he's awake and a bit drugged up it's not noticable a lot but he is a little dizzy so if he doesn't look straight at you more than likely he is looking at the other you in the room" Clint says getting off the floor and dusting himself off. "Thanks for letting me know and Sam I guarantee you I will" you say giving Sam a playful wink. All he does is chuckle back as you continue your journey to the Medbay doors. You reach the clear glass doors. You take a deep breath as you open the door. You didn't know what you were going to say to him but you knew you needed to see that he was ok.

"He's over there" Bruce said looking up from some paperwork he was doing and pointing to one of the recovery rooms. "Why did you automatically assume I was here for him" you say with a little sass as you crossed your arms and looked at him. "Are you really here for me and all I have is a few bruises" he asked raising an eyebrow. "No I'm here for him but welcome home and are you ok" you say with a small smile. "I'm ok and thank you it's good to be back" he says. "The medicine should have worn off by now so I'm headed upstairs and make sure he at least takes it easy I would prefer if he stayed in bed but he's Tony so the least he can do is take it easy" Bruce says as he packs up his stuff and walks towards the door. "I'll do my best" you said as you turned to head to Tony.

You were getting nervous and you didn't know why. You planned on telling Tony you loved him back but you were to nervous you might not do it. Or so you thought. You walked in knocking on the open door to announce yourself. " Welcome home Mr.Stark how you holding up" you tried to hold back your laughter. "What did I say about calling me that Hot stuff" he says as he tiredly turns his head away from the TV in the corner of the room towards you. You chuckle as you sit in a seat that was in the corner. You pulled it closer to the bed so you were right by Tony. "Soooooo about what happened over the phone a couple weeks ago" he started as he struggled a bit sitting up. You helped him up and then spoke. "Tony I love you to". He looked at you in shock he didn't expect you to feel the same way.

"Wait really" he asked in pure disbelief. "Yes Tony and in your own words you are my happiness" you said looking into his eyes. Your own watering up a bit because you thought he would turn you down. But it was the complete opposite he pulled your face up to his and connected his lips to yours. You were shocked at first but fell into the kiss placing your hands on his side to hold yourself up. Your right hand going up to the back of his head. Your fingers naturally tangled into his hair. You pulled him closer with your right hand to deepen the already passionate kiss.

Your right hand naturally moves down his chest and getting lower until you feel him tense up a bit. You pull back from the kiss and looked down to see were your hand touched. "I am so sorry" said worried you hurt him. "It's fine I've felt worse" he said giving you a reassuring look. You smile back. "Bruce said to take it easy but he would like you to stay in bed" you said and all Tony did in reply was roll his eyes and sigh. "Do I have to" he whined. "Yes but don't do it for Bruce do it for yourself and me" you said looking directly in his eyes. Hoping it would bring out his soft spot for you. "Fine but only an hour" he said crossing his arms. "Two and I'll make it worth your while" you said smirking seductively. "Ok but what did you have in mind" he said smirking back. "That's for me to know and you to find out" you whispered into his ear. You leaned back into your chair and looked at him. "You are a serious tease you know that" he says clearly irritated you didn't tell him what you had planned to make two hours 'worth his while'.

Just then F.R.I.D.A.Y called for you to go to the meeting room and said that Tony would be filled in on what's going on after. She said that Fury asked for you to be there along with everyone else. You looked at Tony confused but you kinda had an idea but you hated the thought. "I'll be back you stay here I'm going to ask F.R.I.D.A.Y if you got up for anything other than going to the restroom right here" you say as you point to the bathroom door. "Ok but can I ask you something before you leave" "What is it Tony" you ask turning around to face him. "When I'm out of here go on a proper date with me" he asked. "Of course I'll go on a date with you Tony but that means you have to listen to Bruce so you heal properly" you say as you walk out the room. "Fine" he yells out to you. You heard him celebrating with himself thinking you couldn't hear. You chuckled to yourself.

You took the elevator upstairs to the conference floor. Where all the conference rooms were. You walk into the first one and see everyone sitting at the table confused and upset because they just got home from a mission. They were confused as to why you were there. "What's up one eye" you say with a smile as you walk up to Fury and reach out for a hug. "L/n what did I say about calling me one eye" he gave you a scolding look. You knew he was joking with you though. "Anyways what's going on" you say as you sit down next to Natasha. "It's Lily and .... Casey" is all he says.

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