Nat: Where's your other friend?

Proxima: You will pay for his life with yours.

She replied without a care in the world. 

Proxima: Thanos will have that stone.

Steve: That's not gonna happen.

T'Challa: You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood.

Proxima: We have blood to spare.

Proxima then lifted her arm and weapon into the air as the Thanos' transport ships started to rumble and change shape.

(Y/N) and the others made their way back to their side as he heard Bucky ask Steve a question.

Bucky: Did they surrender?

Steve: Not exactly.

Everyone then watched as the ships doors opened and weird looking alien creatures came running out and towards the dome.

Nat: It looks like we pissed her off.

(Y/N): Well, I'm pretty sure we did that when you killed her friend.

Nat: I killed her friend.

(Y/N): Yeah, your the one who put the spear in his chest...

Rebecca: Guys not the time.

She had a point as Nat and (Y/N) shared a smile then a kiss as T'Challa started to chant something making all the other citizens on Wakanda follow his lead, (Y/N) looked around as they all banged their spear on the ground and chanted louder and louder.

(Y/N): Okay, Mask!

Venom then took over (Y/N) as everyone was caught off guard by this and looked to see Venom in all his glory standing the same height as the anti-Hulk armour, Rebecca did the same but Toxin turned her into agent Toxin, she didn't grow in height but her powers increased greatly, let's just say that everyone around them were glad that Venom and Toxin are on their side.

Everyone watched as these aliens killed themselves to get through the dome, most were stunned by this, others didn't look fazed, but some managed to get through, but they were easily held back by the long ranged weapons that T'Challa's forces possessed, Sam helped out a bit as well as he took to the sky's and dealt with a fare amount of them before they could even think about charging them.

Everyone then looked to see that the aliens were running around the dome, spreading themselves out, this caught (Y/N)'s attention as it did Bruce's.

Bruce: Cap, if these things circle the perimeter and get in behind us... there's nothing between them and Vision. 

Steve: Then we better keep'em in front of us.

Okoye: How do we do that?

Okoye asked T'Challa who was watching the whole scene unfold, he looked to her as he thought for a second then made a tough decision.

T'Challa: We open the barrier.

Venom, Toxin, Nat and Steve looked to their right as T'Challa put his hand to his ear.

T'Challa: On my signal, open North-West Section Seventeen. On my signal. 

This concerned a lot of the surrounding people that heard the conversation, but what other choice did they have.

M'Baku: This will be the end of Wakanda.

Okoye: Then it will be the noblest ending in history.

The Unlikely Hero!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora