|Someone I Can Trust|

Start from the beginning

|Iron Blood Dockyards|

Thursday 4 P.M.

Today was a cold and rainy afternoon and as usual, the current task of the Commander was to make sure most of the ships from the German nation were in a good state.

Right next to him and walking along during the whole process was Graf Zeppelin, it wasn't long ago she was assigned as the Commander's Secretary and so far she was doing a decent job.

"Thank you again for helping me, Graf Zeppelin even if the weather isn't cooperating at all..." (Y/N)

"It's nothing, this is only but one of my many duties as your only right-hand assistant" (Graf Zeppelin)

They both kept walking through the docks to the next ship for inspection.

"Let's see... Who's next?" (Y/N)

Y/N carefully checked the list in a small notebook he had in his hands.

"It seems that would be me, Commander!" (???)

An energetic voice came not very far away from where the Commander and his Secretary were.

Raising his gaze, Y/N spotted one of the newest heavy cruisers from Iron Blood, despite the current rain, she was as happy as usual with a warm smile across her lips.

"Greetings Blücher, it's nice to see you again!" (Y/N)

"The feeling is mutual, my dearest Commander!" (Blücher)

The blonde girl immediately approached for a short hug with her superior as she tends to do every time, but was completely stopped by the harsh gaze from Graf Zepellin as a way to say...

"Stay away and keep your distance..."

"A-Anyways... H-Here is the ship for you to inspect, take your time!" (Blücher)

It was clear that Graf Zeppelin irradiated some sort of negative energy that kept everyone away from approaching the Commander.

At least two hours have passed since that moment, the inspection time tends to be quite long considering the amount of ships the Commander has to check one by one.

However, what the Commander didn't expect was that the sudden change in the weather would affect his current health.


|Commander's Office|

Thursday 7 P.M

Right now, he was in his office hardly trying to do his usual paperwork in complete silence before letting out a sneeze that was heard probably miles away.

The white-haired woman who seems to immediately notice such behavior would be the first one to speak, walking a short distance to be as close as possible in front of the desk where the Commander was working.

"Commander, you do not look in a good state, your face is capable of telling everything to me" (Graf Zeppelin)

"Huh? Is it that obvious?" (Y/N)

"Indeed, you're not good at lying to me, I can see the exhaustion in your gaze and also weakness, are you perhaps sick?" (Graf Zeppelin)

As expected she was very much aware of the situation, even if Y/N didn't comment anything about it.

"Well, maybe just a little bit..." (Y/N)

"As I thought, you didn't wear appropriate clothes for today's weather, very unresponsive from your part if I must say" (Graf Zeppelin)

The German aircraft carrier crossed her arms with quite an annoyed look towards the Commander.

"I'm sorry, I certainly didn't expect to catch a cold out of nowhere, I'm used to the cold weather so-..." (Y/N)

"You will stop working at this exact moment in order to get some proper rest" (Graf Zeppelin)

"Huh? I'm fine really, there's no need for me to-" (Y/N)

"Did I not explain myself clearly? It's not a question, it's an order" (Graf Zeppelin)

That harsh gaze is staring right into the Commander's soul and as expected, he was forced to take a break from working.


"Here..." (Graf Zeppelin)

The German aircraft carrier would take a seat on the nearby sofa slowly patting her own lap indicating where the Commander was going to rest during the rest of the night.

"Wait, am I supposed to rest in your lap?" (Y/N)

"I was told that you do the same with a certain ship from the Royal Navy, I do not think it's weird if we do the same, now stop complaining and come here before I regret doing it" (Graf Zeppelin)

'How did she discover about that!? I mean... I can't hide the fact that Belfast tends to give me that small gesture whenever I'm tired...' (Y/N's Thoughts)

"Right..." (Y/N)

Taking a seat on the sofa next to the woman, the Commander would proceed to slowly rest his head in her soft and warm lap letting out a relieved sigh in the process.

"How does it feel?" (Graf Zeppelin)

"It feels nice, thank you for worrying for me Graf Zeppelin..." (Y/N)

"Oh no, do not confuse this gesture of mine with being kind, I only wish to see you better" (Graf Zeppelin)

"Isn't that... The same?" (Y/N)

"No, when I destroy this world I will need someone to share my achievement with and you're that person, Commander" (Graf Zeppelin)

"Is that so?" (Y/N)

"Of course, I'll make sure to protect you at any cost if it's necessary, do not doubt about it" (Graf Zeppelin)

'Sounds like an indirect love confession to me...' (Y/N's Thoughts)

"Thank you, but don't you think that's a little bit... Exaggerated? I don't usually participate in combat so I'm not in danger most of the time..." (Y/N)

"So? There are some ships that clearly do not respect your space and authority, I shall make sure they don't do anything weird to you" (Graf Zeppelin)

She remained in silence after those words, her voice as usual was completely serious about it so it wasn't a joke or sarcasm.

"You have my trust, Commander, few people can really achieve that, congratulations..." (Graf Zeppelin)

"Oh, that's good to know!" (Y/N)

"Now, keep it quiet and enjoy, I won't do this again..." (Graf Zeppelin)

Despite the fact that Graf Zeppelin is a distant and strict ship all the time, she has a very strange soft side that can be rarely exposed when she truly trusts someone, even so, she's never going to express her true feelings and will most likely say it in a weird or complex way.

"You're truly someone I can trust, Graf Zeppelin... Thank you for taking care of me" (Y/N)

"What's with the sudden show of appreciation? Someone has to keep you in check, unlike the rest, I do take my duty seriously" (Graf Zeppelin)

"I'm just giving you a compliment, don't take it that way..." (Y/N)

"And I appreciate it... Just, don't get used to this side of mine, am I clear?" (Graf Zeppelin)

Despite those harsh words from Graf Zeppelin, some very small blush could be noticed around her cheeks along with a thankful smile.

"Now rest, if you don't get any better tomorrow I shall take more... Drastic measures..." (Graf Zeppelin)

"W-What do you mean with that!?" (Y/N)

The end. :)

The Daily Life Of The Commander |Azur Lane One-Shots|Where stories live. Discover now