1: The Beginning

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*3rd person*

Everyone has a story to tell, which means they have their reasons for their actions. Having a reason doesn't mean it's always a good reason. A reason doesn't become a reason till someone thinks of it and takes action because of it.

Mitch wasn't happy with Jonathan, he wasn't happy by the evil Ritchie and Brandon, he wasn't happy with Eden or even the bad version of Jakey so he's sitting here with all of them around him and they gave him an offer. It's tempting and he left with the thought of taking the offer. Until he saw Colin.

The idea struck him. He smiled as he left and he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted the dragonslayers, he wanted his brethren.

Late at night he snuck into Colin's room and woke him up and Colin stared at Mitch was a confused look.

"Join me." Mitch said

"What do you mean join me, and do you realize what time it is." Colin asked

"No, but I want you to join me. I'm going to gather every dragon slayer and we are going to become a guild together. Our own guild and we do what we want." Mitch said and Colin looked at him before closing his eyes.

"I'll join." Colin said

Mitch smiled. This was going to make his job of getting around easier.

Next place he went to. Divinus Magia. Sneaking in and catching Mario was easy for them. They took him somewhere else and Mario looked at them and growled

"Why did you do that?" He asked.

"Because I wanted to ask you something." Mitch said

"Oh ya what?" Mario asked

"We want you to join us." Mitch said and Colin nodded.

"Why would I join you?" Mario asked getting up to leave.

"Because we're going to make a guild meant for our magic. Dragon slayer magic." Mitch said and Mario stopped.

Mario looked at Mitch to see if he was joking but looking at Mitch Mario saw no hint of jokes. Mitch was dead serious.

"What would happen in this guild?" Mario asked

"Well whatever people wanted. Don't think we'll be the kindest guild but we'll be a free guild. A guild that can travel around and own the sky's." Mitch said

"It's a nice offer but no I'm happy at Divinus Magia." Mario said walking away

"Are you? Pretty sure they mock you on your skills and keep you at a lower rank then you should be." Mitch said and Mario stopped.

"How-?" Mario started and Mitch laughed.

"You don't think that we dragon slayers are oblivious to each other. Colin is dealing with Zeta who wants to destroy things and you get mocked by your guild and your not even given the rank you deserve. Bryan is insecure, and has a relationship with someone who I don't think will be a good person to have for a life time." Mitch said and Mario looked down

"We can live on the outside of Atlantide and we have have our own guild. Dragons Pax. That's it's name, and it's a guild to build up the strength and bring out the full potential of dragonslayers magic." Mitch said and Mario looked at Mitch.

"So what do you say. You going to join us? Brother?" Mitch said holding out his hand.

"I....let me think about it ok." Mario said

"Alright. When you do make up your mind find me and Colin outside of Atlantide." Mitch said leaving Mario to think.

Mitch and Colin waited till Bryan was alone at his house and when Bryan spaced out sighing to himself Mitch came forward. Colin didn't want to socialize at the moment so they stayed in the other room as Mitch went to see Bryan.

"Huh? Wait Mitch? What are you doing here." Bryan asked

"We want you to join me and Colin." Mitch said

"Join you?" Bryan asked

"We're forming a guild together. It'll be called Dragons Pax, it's a guild only for dragon slayers." Mitch said.

"Your trying to make a guild only with dragonslayers?" Bryan asked.

"Ya we'll improve our magic, we'll live freely, we'll do everything that the guild restrict us from doing." Mitch said

"But I'm happy at The Protectors guild." Bryan said

"Are you sure about that. Mario gave the same answer yet he's still thinking about taking the request." Mitch said and Bryan looked down.

"We can work with you and your insecurities and you can get stronger. Strong enough to stand on your own with confidence and no regret." Mitch said

"I can't. I can't just leave my boyfriend and friends behind!" Bryan said.

"Then you would rather stay at the guild restricting you telling you that you can't use your roar as a confidence boost and your going to stay with the very person that always makes you lose time in training because he doesn't want to train but instead make cookies." Mitch said

"In all honesty I would take the offer. It's not a bad idea when you fully think about it." Mitch said and Bryan looked down again.

"...I-" Bryan stopped and thought about it. Mitch was right. There was restrictions that he didn't like. He likes Jakey but he can't stay with him. Not if he want to be who he truly should be.

"...I... I'll join just. Give me a week." Bryan said and Mitch smiled.

"Welcome to the guild brother."

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