That's when Venus felt like breaking down. She felt like running away, sobbing. Because she's never been a normal person with a normal life, and she never will be. She just doesn't know how.

She manages to keep a straight face, eyes glimmering sadly. "And how do I do that?" She snapped, frustrated.

"We're here to help you, ok?" Dick joined in. "We can break this down. Where are you most comfortable staying?"

"You're always welcome here," Bruce added kindly.

She shook her head, thoughts swirling. "I'll just stay with Roy and Jade."

"Cool, cool. I think Jade's done with all that too, so that's perfect," Dick nodded to himself, grinning at Venus. 

"She can help you figure everything out," Bruce spoke. "Not that we don't want to, but we're not exactly the best people to take life advice from."

Venus rolled her eyes, crossing her legs. "I know."

"You interested in college?" Dick asked, peering at her. "I'm sure Bruce can get you into Gotham University."

Bruce nodded in confirmation. He leaned forward and put his hands on her knee, a fatherly gesture. "Venus, you can start over. Away from this, away from the violence. You can be anyone you want, do whatever you want."

"Yeah, just try to avoid roaming Gotham at night," Dick teased.

Her lips quirked upwards at her friend's remark. "I think I'll sleep on it, talk to Jade a little. I'll come back sometime this week." 

"Take your time," Bruce assured.

Dick cheered and squeezed her shoulder. "Now, what's for dinner?"


Venus quietly rode up the elevator to Jade's apartment. She stayed briefly at the Manor for Alfred's grilled cheese and then asked Dick to drop her off. She appreciated their efforts to help her, even after she avoided them for the past few weeks, but she couldn't help the resentment she still felt towards Bruce. She knows it's completely illogical and irrational, but she still partially blames him for what happened.

She stepped off the elevator on the fourth floor and walked down the hallway, knocking on door 421. She waited a moment, shuffling her feet when Jade opened the door, smiling widely. 

"Venus, I missed you so much!" She exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "Where the hell have you been?"

Still in Jade's arms, Venus waddled the two inside the room and closed the door with her leg, feeling too exposed out in the hallway. She returned her embrace and patted her head awkwardly. 

"You can let go now," Venus teased, pulling Jade's hair. 

Jade released Venus and held her face in her hands, grasping her cheeks. She studied her for a moment before pulling her into the kitchen. 

"How are you doing?" Jade asked, as she turned the coffee machine on. "For real. Don't give me some tough bullshit answer."

Venus settled herself on the island, resting her head on her hands. "I don't know. It kinda hasn't set it yet. I'm just stuck in this weird limbo where nothing feels real, you know?" 

Jade nodded and set a steaming mug in front of Venus. "All of our emotions are delayed, but it should hit you in a few days."

Venus sipped her coffee, cringing at the bitter taste.

NEW FLESH, jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now